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[MtG] Modern Sliver Fateseal


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4 Manaweft Sliver Mana fixing

4 Galerider Sliver Easy 1 drop

4 Mesmeric Sliver Key component, gives fateseal

3 Prophet of Kruphix Helpful for Leaks, Snags, and general quick fatesealing.

4 Screeching Sliver Technical wincon

4 Telekinetic Sliver Amazing control card

3 Dormant Sliver Card draw


4 Mana Leak Counterspelling

4 Fog Combat protection

4 Vapor Snag easy answer for larger creatures


13 Island

5 Forest

4 Thornwood Falls




Suggestions appreciated. Developed to be fairly budget but going more expensive is not out of the question.

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I think you would be better off replacing some of those fogs (not specifically, fog, but seriously you have like 12 wth) with cards that are... generally better in the format. I am not sure how much Mana Leak is right now, but it is certainly a good card, especially for casual-tier modern. Vapor Snag is also really good, ultimately being slightly better than unsummon since you can use it to help push the slightest.


If chord of calling is available, run it.

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