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Gotta go FASSSTTT [Speedroid]


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3 Tengu

3 Double Yo-Yo

1 Menkoto

3 Beigomax

3 Pilica

3 Taketonborg

2 Three-Eyed Dice

2 Red-Eyed Dice


1 One for One

1 Raigeki

3 Speed Rebirth

2 Hidden Shot


1 Book of Moon

1 Burial

2 E-Tele



2 Mirror Force

1 RoD

1 Vanitys

2 Chain


1 Mist Wurm

1 Stardust

1 Clear-Wing

1 Kendama

1 Crimson Blader

1 Sphreez

1 Goyo

2 Chanbarider

1 Black Rose

1 Old One Hastur

1 Castel

1 Leviair

1 Totem Bird

1 Chidori

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Hidden shot is kinda men IMO. You don't really want your roids banished at this point. The only card that synergizes with banished roids is Chan, but that's barely anything.


I would just run 1.


MFW no Trish.


Call of the haunted is really stupid in this deck. Remember Beigomax gets to search when he's SSed, of just by his own effect.


Supercharge is pretty gud in this deck, especially when you are in a tight spot with no plays. Also teching an Expressroid in can be kinda cute, especially since, like beigo, he just needs to be summomed; the method is irrelevant (Call of the haunted *wink*).


Aside from that it looks fairly standard. You may want to play around with the tuner count (why play 1 for 1 when you only have 2 targets that can already be tutored from the deck?), also you may want to consider dropping xyz from your ED and put in armades, another hastorr, moonlight rose, etc.

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Urgent tuning? Why? I guess it technically gets around the Wind restriction but that's so situational it hurts.


Iron call doesn't really do much here. You don't get any of their effects. Running Calls are just as good as you can actually abuse Beigomax and 1 eyed dice, etc.


Supercharge is Ok at 1 or 2. It really can be a savior in a tight spot.

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I feel Supercharge will clog, it's restriction allows me only to control roids really hinders its choice


I think I'll definitely swap Ring for TT. The more removal the better


Urgent Tuning/Iron Call aren't really needed. While both have their pros and cons, I feel that I have enough revival and ways to get Synchros out


I Might see if I can make room for Ghost Ogre annd possibly Jar of Avarice. With such a tight Extra, I will need to recycle my Synchros and Ghost Ogre will help to produce more Synchros off E-Tele


-1 Pilica

+1 Ghost Ogre


-1 Ring

+1 Torrential


-1 BoM (maybe)

+1 Jar of Avarice

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