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Infernoid Decatron

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Dropping a small discussion before I walk the dog.


So after musing it over a bit and theorycrafting out some lists, I've grown to notice this card isn't exactly AS good as I thought it to be.


It's still great to toolbox out Infernoid effects to bounce problematic things, but Infernoids are this one deck where quantity of mill is better than quality of it, and Lightsworn engine in place of Decatron has been doing more or less wonders.


I'm currently just siding it, and I must admit, the maindeck didn't get much worse since I took it out.

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It's Superman.

Or in this case, girl.


I've tried to defend this card so much that I just don't have the energy to do it anymore. If you don't want to play it, by all means, don't force yourself.

Trust me, I loved this card too, but it's genuinely not the miraculous answer for the deck to be viable.


Plus I mean it's not that you weren't wrong about Infernoids before, cough triple Void Dream. It's a great card don't get me wrong, just...not maindecked.

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Trust me, I loved this card too, but it's genuinely not the miraculous answer for the deck to be viable.


Plus I mean it's not that you weren't wrong about Infernoids before, cough triple Void Dream. It's a great card don't get me wrong, just...not maindecked.


Infernoids will only be "viable" once we have more Monster Gate. If you're playing a luck based deck and expecting it to be Tier 1, I don't know what to tell you.


Long story short, I would argue you want to side Dekatron OUT for more specific stuff when you know the matchup, since Dekatron can do anything, it helps against every deck you could face.


As for Void Dream, it's not like I was the only one hyping it up. The effect is really good, but having too many can clog if your opponent is able to play around it, and the last thing you want is too many cards to draw that you can't use.

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What do you even bring it in against?

Mostly floodgate decks. You can dump either Patrulea or Antra to get rid of any floodgate on a simple normal summon, or generally decks with annoying backrow/monsters that have to be deal with it on spot. It basically becomes a swiss army knife in matchups where overpowering your opponent isn't much of an option.

Infernoids will only be "viable" once we have more Monster Gate. If you're playing a luck based deck and expecting it to be Tier 1, I don't know what to tell you.


Long story short, I would argue you want to side Dekatron OUT for more specific stuff when you know the matchup, since Dekatron can do anything, it helps against every deck you could face.


As for Void Dream, it's not like I was the only one hyping it up. The effect is really good, but having too many can clog if your opponent is able to play around it, and the last thing you want is too many cards to draw that you can't use.

Hey, I play the deck quite a lot too, and I don't expect it to be tier 1, but it's really creeping up there for a while now.


Well, then there's a point of whether you want to have answers in your deck or just wanna boss rush your opponent down.


Well yeah but you claimed it will be a must-play at 3 for quite a long while is my point.

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This might be slightly outside the purview of this topic, but I'm curious what your deck looks like.


As for the rest of the Infernoid guide, I get the sense that no one cares, given that there's only 3 people who seem to say anything at all, so I never bother updating it. I'm not sure it's even helped anyone. I don't think I've seen an Infernoid deck in the deck forums in ages.


Back to this though, I've always been of the opinion that you need to have answers for all kinds of things.

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This might be slightly outside the purview of this topic, but I'm curious what your deck looks like.


As for the rest of the Infernoid guide, I get the sense that no one cares, given that there's only 3 people who seem to say anything at all, so I never bother updating it. I'm not sure it's even helped anyone. I don't think I've seen an Infernoid deck in the deck forums in ages.


Back to this though, I've always been of the opinion that you need to have answers for all kinds of things.

Posted it by the way.
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It's good for:


-Opening future fodder for bigger Infernoid Summons like Adramelech/Vael

-Milling Nehemoth/Lilith to act as a Monster/S/T negater and also Fusion Material for Tierra

-Opening a variety of Synchro and Xyz plays by manipulating level

-Toolboxing any Infernoid effect that is needed


And add on top the fact it's an out towards Vanity's Emptiness, and other floodgates that hurt the deck. The only downsides I see for Decatron is now people will see its predictability and will likely call 1 with Reasoning. There's also the fact that this card in place of normal millers might not accelerate the deck as proposed. It seems a bit radical you had cut out all Decatrons from your main deck completely Klav, but if you're gonna focus more on faster OTKs and side Deactron for anti-floodgates, then I might as well justify. Still, Decatron is normally so hard to not ignore cause of how nifty it is.

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This just reminded me that the DT storyline just abruptly stopped. And never resolved Tierra vs Brilliant Diamond.


Card is especially important against floodgates since Infernoids basically die to Vanity's and L1T.

well  Tierra v Brilliant was pure'y fan speculation, as Brilliant Diamond is technically anime. That said, the mirrored ATK and the timing of release does make it seem more likely.


We'll surely get a Sombres/Kery style finale promo set.

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