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[MtG] Duel Decks + All New Cards


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Not sure I like the gold frame that much for the Eldrazi. Not sure how I'll feel about the other mono colors, but the Black frame looks SWEET. The hedrony texture is also a really sweet touch.


As I said in the other thread, Devoid is such an obvious mechanic for the Eldrazi, but it just at all on my radar for things to expect.


Ingest is a cool mechanic for them and Sower certainly hinted at it. Can end up being pretty powerful in limited.


Awaken is such a sweet mechanic. High costs so they are only live late in the game when throwing away lands isn't that big an issue.


Landfall's return is pretty expected. Its such a great mechanic.


I wonder if this is all the mechanic or if they have 1 more they are keeping hidden away. Its certainly possible that this is it, but the last 3 blocks have had 5 so they might still surprise us.

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I  was ready to ask if the "colorless" Eldrazi cards could be in any EDH deck due to being treated as coloress, then I remembered you can't produce the mana for it anyway so it doesn't really matter :cc


That, and their color identity (the color symbols on the card) prevents them from being used with a commander that has no color identity (like Karn or Kozilek) anyway, which sucks.

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For those who missed the lore of the original Rise of the Eldrqzi, the vampires are essentially a slave race created by the Eldrazi, the hooks on their backs used quite literally to control them. Which is what that headcrab Eldrazi is doing in Dominator Drone's art.

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Do we know that they were actually created by the Eldrazi? One of the note worthy things about the Zendikar vampires is that when Nahiri woke up for a few hundred year nap she was surprised to see vampires on the plan so we know they weren't always there.

The whole Nahiri not knowing about vampires was a retconned to current info and no-one's quite sure what she means by that.


Vampires weren't created by the Eldrazi as far as we know. They existed before that, but after the Eldrazi definitely altered their anatomy by adding those hooks on.

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