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Best deal you ever made?

Face McShooty

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Like the title says, what was your best deal you made while game shopping? It could be trading in games to Gamestop, buying games from friends, buying games in general. Here's mine that I just made today at my local GameStop


Got $102 for trading in 24 games to gamestop, preordered Disney Infinity 3.0 and the Inside Out Playset PLUS renewed my Power Up Pro membership and STILL have $7 left in trade credit, not bad if I do say so myself.

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The person I am a clone of irl and I once traded in a bunch of games we didn't want anymore and got somewhere around $80. We bought the Jak and Daxter Collection and pre-ordered Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix. That's probably the best deal we got, I think.


I finally beat the first Jak and Daxter not too long ago. Was frustrating because I kept falling near the end like a bad player, but I got through it.

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I actually have that, they're nothing alike. It's just like your standard rewards program with points and stuff.


Steam just flat out has massive sales on games every once in awhile (like in the beginning of summer, or around the holidays), with smaller sales daily/weekly constantly every other time. Like, "You want a AAA title for $5? You got it." sort of thing.

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Not my deal, but back when the Wii U had a price screw up I told my friend and he was able to get a price match and got his for under $100.


Same friend in general is an amazing bargain hunter. He got Uprising for like $20 which I then bought off him and was able to find me a Xenoblade deal for like $74 which isn't super impressive but a good price for that game.

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Here's one I did today; Nier is around $60 when buying online. I picked it up at Gamestop for $10. Totally worth the gas money driving into houston (I actually had to get stuff at another store that was like 10 minutes away anyway so tbh it wasn't a big deal traveling out)


Otherwise, I don't buy games for very cheap most of the time. Except on Steam. Though, most games I buy on there are only 10-15 anyway, but I did manage to snag some things like Skyrim + DLC for $20, both Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;birth games for $20, 100% Orange Juice + All DLC at the time for $10, and some other more mundane stuff. Specifically listed those 3 because they're the only ones I actually play semi-regularly.

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