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As a non-mtg player, I honestly see the abyssmal difference between the two games by things like this. Depicted above is a complete piece of sheet of a yugioh card.


And yet in MtG, this card is good. I really need to learn to play this game.


Except that the real YGO equivalent would be something that negates Spell Speed 2 and up, not spell speed 3. 

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So it's like if MST actually countered stuff? Cool.

Only for trap cards, basically. Still incredibly powerful with the amount are used for the core of their decks, and how relevant this card is when fights are occurring in Control matches as counter wars are more prevalent. It is also a great tempo play to stop cards like Terminate, as those cards cost more and the opponent used too much resources when Dispel is much cheaper to cast.

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I'm bad at detecting that sort of thing. I do think their is an interesting discussion to be had on how many, if any, Dispel should be main decked which is why I responded the way I did.

Main only 1 if you're not a combo deck. Pact of Negation is usually better unless you're Twin. If you're Twin, main 1. So basically, if you're going to main any, just main 1.

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