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Trigger Warnings

Simping For Hina

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Read this sheet: http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/09/the-coddling-of-the-american-mind/399356/


I thought this paragraph was interesting:


"There’s a saying common in education circles: Don’t teach students what to think; teach them how to think. The idea goes back at least as far as Socrates. Today, what we call the Socratic method is a way of teaching that fosters critical thinking, in part by encouraging students to question their own unexamined beliefs, as well as the received wisdom of those around them. Such questioning sometimes leads to discomfort, and even to anger, on the way to understanding.


But vindictive protectiveness teaches students to think in a very different way. It prepares them poorly for professional life, which often demands intellectual engagement with people and ideas one might find uncongenial or wrong. The harm may be more immediate, too. A campus culture devoted to policing speech and punishing speakers is likely to engender patterns of thought that are surprisingly similar to those long identified by cognitive behavioral therapists as causes of depression and anxiety. The new protectiveness may be teaching students to think pathologically."


Some of the trigger warnings can evidently be just: "I believe the most qualified person should get the job.”

“America is the land of opportunity”


Basically, the idea that we have more careful about what is said and the lessening factor of things that people can say, are weakening the basis of humanity. We are weakening potential growth and progression of communication, interaction, and many fields that exist. Not as of yet, but in the future with how prompted we are to carefully select each word used within a sentence, and the manner of which it is said. I have spoken about how words have consequences and what is said can cause such manners, but I have never gone into a discussion about how such basic terms of interaction can cause people to be afflicted with themselves, others, and reactions. Within the article itself, it has stated “Where were you born?,” as a question that has implied toward people of different ethnicity that they were born outside of the USA.


With seeing for myself how much the word "triggered" has been used, just with people having their own opinions and others thinking of themselves with such opinions, it is relevant that this is an issue and that a conversation should be started, as people take things internally than properly mentioned. Language shouldn't have barriers in terms of proper interactions. Being politically correct in every manner can easily falter the idea of how things come across. I have witnessed this with myself, being pansexual, a vegetarian, and many others. But I also come to realize just recently that I have internalized a lot, thinking that each trigger is not an attack and many words will be stated, but I have to get used to that and respond with the ability to take it and turn that trigger into a means of growth.


Honestly, I have always been an advocate for people needing to be able to take things in different terms, but I do not feel that the world should be coddled because of traumas for individuals — Language shouldn't be a limited means of progression, but an accepted attribute of it and going through the ability to relive traumas without the physical touch, but the emotional insecurity as one is triggered could be a good thing. It even begins to develop into the straight concept of how memories are altered at each time they are remembered, and the effect of them become hazy. Even major traumas, there are ways to get help and those ways are usually by the traumatized being set up to remember and overcome it, with help of medication.


People have always evolved and conquered obstacles, but pushed themselves passed each obstacle. If we lessen the ability of those obstacles, we also lessen the ability for people to grow and overcome their troubles. Tenta is a contributor to this belief of people shouldn't have to watch what the say, and has consistently stated so.

This is quite relevant for both large and small means. The article is a fantastic read, anyways. Something I highly consider if any of you can bring yourself to read it.


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Hmmm, I think the term is being used much too much, basically. There are some instances where it's best to limit what gets said, or at least warn people about the content. Simply because it's an easy thing to do and it harms no one but can help some.

Though, it's really overused at this point.


Hmm. Basically. If it's a simple addition to the way you say something, such as a warning before a video or something of the sort, I don't see the issue with it. Also, if someone tells you they're uncomfortable with something or upset about something then its best to listen to them and not go off on them about it.

Because everyone's different, and you can't prepare for every situation and personality, but you should do what you can to make things more accepting for everyone.

But this works both ways, if a person is upset by a certain subject or word choice they need to calmly explain that.


God I'm not making any sense am I...

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Literally counterliterature. A pleasant read, but also missing parts that this isn't just about PTSD with Trigger Warnings, but the way trigger warnings are used as a means to stop people from watching what they say in any degree. PTSD is a fundamentally sound disease and a problem, which I think that this article presents a sane reach toward the degree. I do find this a great a read, and setting place where PTSD is problematic to such a conversation, as it is not just war-based but can be enacted by any traumas as well. People seemingly don't know that most traumas are completely vivid, due to the amount of adrenaline being produced as adrenaline increases that amount of information retained when the amounts are increased. Partly why PTSD is such a problematic disease, and why people are able to "relive" their traumas.


I would love to hear about your input instead of just the counterliterature, but people should also read it as it is a development of some idea and how "coddling" minds set up through specific events is not necessarily a proper, while also giving definition to PTSD, which many people still have lacking insight on. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

Can I just say that tumblr has made me feel that anyone who says "X is a trigger for me" is just spouting bullshit out of their with their every word? If a person actually has ptsd, I don't think they can know what can/will/would trigger an episode.

Please stop saying "tumblr" as a means of social insecurity, basically. Many are triggered by events, and it isn't that they know what triggers them, but how they are triggered. I think you are completely lacking the essentially conversation that I want to mention, as well.



Hmmm, I think the term is being used much too much, basically. There are some instances where it's best to limit what gets said, or at least warn people about the content. Simply because it's an easy thing to do and it harms no one but can help some.

Though, it's really overused at this point.


Hmm. Basically. If it's a simple addition to the way you say something, such as a warning before a video or something of the sort, I don't see the issue with it. Also, if someone tells you they're uncomfortable with something or upset about something then its best to listen to them and not go off on them about it.

Because everyone's different, and you can't prepare for every situation and personality, but you should do what you can to make things more accepting for everyone.

But this works both ways, if a person is upset by a certain subject or word choice they need to calmly explain that.


God I'm not making any sense am I...

Average insight on the topic, and mentioned by those involved. But I don't think this is about opinion, rather than you seem unclear of the whole case of it and what "trigger warnings" are defined as, where also forgoing the mention I gave to lack of specific situations, but more generalized ones. In John Oliver's video about Sex Ed in the USA, it was comparing sexually active people to "used pieces of gum". Elizabeth Smart was a person who has been raped at the age of 14, and suffered from a trigger which was "imagine you're a stick of gum and when you engage in sex, that's like...getting chewed and then if you do that lots of times, you will become an old piece gum. After that, no one will want you."



It's an overused buzzword that's lost all meaning. Viewer/reader discretion warnings are pretty much the same thing and have much less baggage.

Fair point, but people in Social Mediums revolve much around baggage and the claim of it, whether the input or exclusion of similars.

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Please stop saying "tumblr" as a means of social insecurity, basically. Many are triggered by events, and it isn't that they know what triggers them, but how they are triggered. I think you are completely lacking the essentially conversation that I want to mention, as well.

I was speaking of tumblr literally, well at least some of the people on tumblr, not as a "means of social insecurity" whatever the f*** you mean by that. I was just saying cause you literally named the topic Trigger Warnings, which are only around because of the people who are bsing having ptsd.


and it isn't that they know what triggers them

There are literally f***s, oh sorry people on tumblr who say

"X is a trigger for me"

Where X is something like the word Rape. that's not a how that's a what.

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I was speaking of tumblr literally, well at least some of the people on tumblr, not as a "means of social insecurity" whatever the f*** you mean by that. I was just saying cause you literally named the topic Trigger Warnings, which are only around because of the people who are bsing having ptsd.


There are literally f***s, oh sorry people on tumblr who say

Where X is something like the word Rape. that's not a how that's a what.

Wow, someone was trigger. Trigger Warnings is the name of the topic, but I was trying to have a conversation more about the basis of what barriers they cause, not the people who they affect. This leads to insecurities, such through social means, for people who need to watch what they say and for those who are affected by what they say. People keep using PTSD, but that isn't just the one problem that Trigger Warnings cause. When Kate was on here, that is an example of how triggered was used because of how something was affected her, not how PTSD was affected.


It isn't just Tumblr that says it, which is why I am trying to get you to understand. There is a central cavity in Tumblr, I will not lie, but it is also Reddit that can be witnessed to events and it is many people who are apart of the social medium world that is prioritized nowadays.


And I have no idea what you're talking about. Seriously, you're acting like 5 when not even getting to the structure of this conversation while also pushing people under a bus because you can't develop any discussion other than the fact; "people do this. those people are fucks. tumblr people. what fucks." Please evaluate your discussion before throwing a group of people under a bus. Lack of immaturity for this conversation on your end it simply atrocious, which is why YCM doesn't handle these type of topics well.

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I mean I know you're talking about the barriers but I don't see it as something that should cause barriers, rather just give someone something to think about a bit more with what they say and how they say it. I think that's what I meant. I'm tired.

More or less it shouldn't prevent people from saying what they want but instead let people explain in simple terms why certain things bother them so there's better understanding.

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I mean I know you're talking about the barriers but I don't see it as something that should cause barriers, rather just give someone something to think about a bit more with what they say and how they say it. I think that's what I meant. I'm tired.

More or less it shouldn't prevent people from saying what they want but instead let people explain in simple terms why certain things bother them so there's better understanding.

Which I understand, but I never condone the idea of simplifying things that are said as it isn't the point of understanding but the point of reaction that ends up coddling people. The problem is: We never know what can trigger someone's reaction to what is said, and it is a reaction that defines the basis of communication. If people would be able to respond in a simpler way, then there would be no mention of Trigger Warnings or what would cause a supplementary trigger.


What you mean is still a prevention of conversation, but also the response of how things should be determined and explained. As I said, the response is what translates to a trigger and people act out. Such mentions of it are from you on this forum when people certainly attack you in developed conversations, and how you react without being able to respond in a calm, rational setting. Your emotions do prevent much of how you come across, and there are episodes within everyone that limit people. It is like the manner of that Adele gif I used on this forum, and how you kept stating, "How can I block someone and not see their posts?" The response was vague, and no clear notion was placed on what you were trying to complete until I did mention the ability to talk to me about it. You say that you couldn't, and that you didn't want to. It is the same evaluation here: By you not being able to speak to me personally, it got to you and limited your attention to the matter at end — Stopping it. Instead, you wanted to just stop seeing it.


The manner of which you speak in the conversation and point is what this article is trying to get: People need to speak to each other more without having such negative responses, turning over the coddling aspect of the mind and the appropriation of language being a driving force and not a barrier that we cannot speak of. You coddled yourself by not personally speaking to me about the issue, which was me posting the Adele gif as spam and being applicable in the prevention of it.


I think what people aren't getting is that the script isn't to stop being from conversing and talking, but to get people to talk more about things and stop enacting irrational responses that limit growth of a person. One of the greatest skills to have in the work field is to be able to talk to those in different levels of power, while also be able to talk clearly to those. The coddling of the human mind doesn't allow this, which is much of what the article was written about.

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No one ever claimed it's always going to be possible to do things the best way but that doesn't mean that it's still not the better way to do it.

And you are right about that, but it is going to be limiting as we still limit ourselves. Until then, it is impossible. Just because there is a better way to it, doesn't mean that way is to properly go about things.

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Wow, someone was trigger. Trigger Warnings is the name of the topic, but I was trying to have a conversation more about the basis of what barriers they cause

They shouldn't cause barriers at all, since they don't need to exist. All people have to do is not give a s*** when someone bs's about getting triggered and people who actually have ptsd get treated. simple as that. If a country can't afford to treat the illnesses of the soldiers it is sending out, it shouldn't send those people out. America especially can afford to take money out of it's military budget to do so.

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They shouldn't cause barriers at all, since they don't need to exist. All people have to do is not give a s*** when someone bs's about getting triggered and people who actually have ptsd get treated. simple as that. If a country can't afford to treat the illnesses of the soldiers it is sending out, it shouldn't send those people out. America especially can afford to take money out of it's military budget to do so.

When did this become a post about the financial problem about America? I don't even know where you're going with any of this since you clearly aren't even trying to be on topic, but just hash out at things that you hate and hardly understand. Please note that there are specialized hospitals for Veterans themselves, who get free healthcare provided for them. This isn't about PTSD, )as is also the fact that PTSD isn't just a disease affecting those who enlist, but those who have been affected by traumas whether it be within the borders of America or anywhere else in the world.), only referencing the true difference between it and trigger warnings, separating them. I really think you list like to post and get random +1s to your count instead of actually knowing what you're talking about.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Idk how I feel about trigger warnings, like honestly triggers are very valid and real. I'll give a little background on it, about a year ago I had decided to go graffiti under a bridge that had a highway on top of it. I'm a pretty good artist and that place was already covered in paint so I thought I might as well live on "the edge" and try something new. Once I was there the first thing that got to me was the noise, but being the stubborn little idiot I am I propelled myself up the slope to get a flatter surface I could paint on, but as I got closer the noise got louder. The constant pounding of cars and trucks feet above me made my hands shake, I couldn't get a decent line out. My palms were clammy and my heart felt like it was in my throat; I wanted to vomit but I felt like I was stuck. My breathing got really shallow, and once I couldn't take it anymore I just threw my spray can back into my bag, and started sliding down the slope, in the process I cut up my legs on loose pebbles and stray bits of glass, so once I finally hit stable ground everything that I had eaten in the last couple of days came out like a landslide. I was vomiting and shaking and I didn't know what to do, so I called my gf at the time in this sobbing and out of breath manner, and obviously she flipped out, I really can't remember much of what happened after words I just remember staying on the phone with her and it pouring down on me like one of those 90's movies. And obviously when I had gotten home, showered and stuff we talked about it in detail and concluded that the noise just brought back some pretty painful memories and I full on freaked out and pushed myself until I ended up having a panic attack.     


Obviously feel free to like say oh no way this is just like an overreaction, but bare in mind that this is honestly the worst I had ever felt in my entire life all at once, and all so suddenly. 

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A bit offtopic here, but my problem with the term "trigger warning" is that it's been co-opted to mean "something that makes me uncomfortable." Which is bullshit. By the strictest definition, a trigger is some stimulus that causes someone to recall a previously traumatic memory. The keyword here is underlined: you have to have suffered actual psychological trauma. If it's just "hey, I feel vaguely uncomfortable around this and I'd rather not confront it," then you want a content warning. I'd take these people using triggers so liberally a lot more seriously if they knew what they were talking about.


Example. I have two major phobias: batophobia (fear of tall buildings) and thanatophobia (fear of death). The former was caused by an incident as a child in which I suffered extreme sensory overload due to the scale of a large building next to me and nearly fainted. The latter is merely a topic I'm viscerally uncomfortable with. While both are equally distressing to me, and I have suffered fight/flight reactions to both, I can only really label the former traumatic.


[spoiler=EDIT: An extreme example of triggers gone horribly wrong.]3MdC2vA.jpg


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The problem with trigger warnings starts with the shithole we all know and love, called Tumblr.  Triggers are very much real, but suddenly Tumblr has turned every possible post, image, video, or message into a victimizing sandwich, where they pile on layers of bullshit, butthurt, and extra cheese.  Meanwhile, people actually struggling with ptsd and actual trigger issues (no JABRONI, you being moderately uncomfortable is not a trigger.  Shut the funk up, sit your ass down, and change scroll your funking mousewheel.) are suffering.  So thanks Tumblr, for once again being one of the most self righteous, circlejerking places on the net.

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