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Devastating Explosion in China


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Current reports are saying that only 17 have died, but this does not account for the firefighters that were on the scene, the workers inside, and others.  Some sources also say the cause of the explosion was actually related to Lithium, as in lithium batteries.  An auto factory, hundreds of homes, and dozens of buildings were leveled when the first and second explosions went off.  There is even viral footage of a live stream (the caster who likely was killed in the explosion) only a few miles away.


Warning:  Loud, NSFW



It is currently unclear as to the final death toll in the explosion, but day light has risen over China.  Likely, within 24 hours we'll hear numbers.  But there is still gas in the air and responders are approaching with caution.


An alternate view and extended clip of the explosion.



Even after everything that's gone down, there's been A THIRD explosion, during the day now.




Photos of the incident.  NSFW/L



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All CBS said this afternoon about it was that they pulled a 19-year old out of the rubble (who had been trapped for 30+ hours).

That, and the death toll was at least 56 by now + 150 were injured. (Chances are that there's more at the time of this post).


Likely more will come around in the following days as stuff gets sorted out, but yeah this is severe enough to warrant global attention.

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Global attention? That a new one to me. What's it mean in detail?

As the term should indicate, it's where multiple countries, even those several borders outside the source nation, step forth to address the situation.


But damn, even from that far a distance, the sound reaches the filmer and the true gravity of the situation sets in.

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As the term should indicate, it's where multiple countries, even those several borders outside the source nation, step forth to address the situation.


But damn, even from that far a distance, the sound reaches the filmer and the true gravity of the situation sets in.

I agree. It was shocking. The last thing this major was probably 9/11. Things like this dont happen often, fortunately, so it's a big deal when they do.

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