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[CF!V] Megabugs Metacolony Mk.II

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Grade 0: 17
1x Machining Little Bee
4x Machining Bombyx

8x Machining Critical

4x Machining Draw


Grade 1: 14
4x Megacolony PG-G
2x Machining Slater
4x Machining Black Soldier

4x Stride Enabler


Grade 2: 11
4x Machining Mosquito Mk.II

4x Machining Hornet Mk.II

3x Fascinated Mutant, Sweet Cocktail

Grade 3: 8
4x Machining Tarantula Mk.II

4x Machining Scorpion Mk.II


Grade 4: 8

4x Carapace Strange Deity, Machining Destroyer

2x Raging Spear Mutant Deity, Stun Beetle

2x Poisonous Spear Mutant Deity, Paraspear


This deck's looking to be quite good~

Suggestions, etc?

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-1 Tarantula MkII

+1 G2 space


Trust me, you're going to need this a lot more than your 8th G3.


-3 Tarantula MkII

+2 Machining Stag Beetle

+1 Darkface


Stag Beetle helps to set up for easy board presence in conjunction with cards like Little Bee and fulfils the condition of Destroyer almost immediately. Also Stag Beetle isn't affected by your opponent sitting on Grade 2 all game and so it creates a dynamic that makes it so that you don't just lose to G2 rush decks. You also definitely want Darkface in a deck like this, just because being able to ride Darkface after accumulating 6+ Soul for no good reason will kill people just because. He's also good to search off of your Stride fodder cards for additional G3s to pitch.


-2 Paraspear

+1 Stun Beetle

+1 Madew


You should almost definitely be playing 3+ Stag Beetle in any Megacolony deck just because it is Vanguard's first "hit and you lose" card. Stag Beetle gives the deck access to Madew, which is much appreciated when it gets back a card like Stag Beetle for even more board creation.


-2 Slater

+2 Caucastag


Caucastag creates more pressure and Slater is unnecessary in the heavier Legion variants of the deck due to how Legions inherently create 2 Soul just by their gimmick.


-2 Hornet MkII

+3 Tarantula


Tarantula is a key component to combating a lot of early game aggro to ensure that you're able to get into stronger cards. It also gives you a much stronger match-up against early aggro decks by disabling swings and forcing advantage out that they literally cannot afford to use. Hornet MkII is also incredibly subpar even though it is a "better" Papi, but even then that's not that great.

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