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Chimeratech Deck

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Been working on this deck for quite some time now.. And I am very limited as to what cards I can use for this deck.. Like I don't have Dimension Fusion. Just tell me what you think!


Monsters: 17

[1]Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon

[2]Fusiler the Dual Mode Beast

[1]Cyber Dragon (Gonna try and trade for a second)

[1]Spell Canceler (probably wont need this one...)


[3]Ancient Gear Cannon

[2]Ancient Gear Soldier


[1]Deko the Choo Choo

[1]Magician of Faith

[1]Morphing Jar

[1]Snipe Hunter


Spells: 20

[2]Ancient Gear Drill

[1]Graceful Charity

[1]Pot of Greed

[1]Painful Choice

[1]Limiter Removal

[1]Future Fusion

[1]Overload Fusion

[1]Heavy Storm

[1]Giant Trunade

[1]The Forceful Sentry (maybe don't need this?)

[1]Brain Control

[1]Snatch Steal

[1]Change of Heart

[1]Card Destruction



[1]Dark Hole

[1]Monster Reborn

[1]Premature Burial


Traps: 3

[1]Torrential Tribute

[1]Call of the Haunted

[1]Ring of Destruction


Fusion Deck: Look in "My Fusion Deck lol"


Thinking About Possibly:

[1]Barrel Dragon (no blowback, though)

[2]Red Gadget (only have 1 of each, copies missing)

[2]Green Gadget

[2]Yellow Gadget

[1]Tribe Infecting Virus


[1]Last Will

[2]Enemy Controller (defense and switch for Meta)


[2]Instant Fusion (have tons of Fusions and stuff. Could be used to help fill grave with Machines and tributing)

[2]V-Tiger Jet (In case it ends up with not enough aggression :/)

[1-2]Ancient Gear Chimera (Ditto)

[1]Smashing Ground

[1]Lightning Vortex

[2]Hammer Shot

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