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[MtG] From the Vault: Angels complete reveal


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Okay, yes, thank you.

Serra is a given, I mean they gotta keep Serra around. Though still prefer the original art.

The angels I'm most excited about are probably this one, and Lightning Angel, because they were some of the ones that I most remember (besides Serra) from when I was first playing, since the sets around 2001 was when I started really knowing what I was doing. (though started a couple years before that.)

And I always thought they were super cool.

Also this art is BEAUTIFUL for Iridescent particularly.


But I do wonder if maybe Iridescent is slightly... underpowered now. Maybe I'm wrong but it feels like it.


Oh and it's always nice to see Platinum Angel because Platinum Angel was one of my favorites, despite not really using it much.

........Sorry felt like nostalgia'ing a bit there, carry on.

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Serra, Iona, Baneslayer, Platinum, Avacyn, and the 2 Akromas were givens imo.


Tariel is a good choice since she was limited to just the original commander product.


Entreat was unexpected but its a cool card that sees legacy play.


Lightning was unexpected, but its pretty iconic from back in the day.


Aurelia is eh


Exalted was really powerful, so it makes sense.


Jenara is the card I'm least excited to see. Wish this slot went to Resto.


Strife is another commander only card so she make sense as well.


Iridescent is just too pretty for me to mind her inclusion despite her lower power level.

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Well, one out of my four guesses was right. Glad to see Platinum, but no Linvala, Restoration or Despair? )B


Had a feeling Entreat the Angels would be included. I didn't think they'd only print creatures, and Entreat the Angels holds the most value out of angel token producers.


I'm surprised by Baneslayer's inclusion, tbqh. It's pretty much "Serra Angel, but better," and I didn't think they'd include two cards that were so similar.


Lightning Angel is an underwhelming inclusion. I guess it's nostalgic to some, but still.


Aurelia's meh, but her foil's getting up there.


So our mystery art was Exalted Angel's? I'm fine with that. She pops up pretty often in Cube and needed an art update.


Personally very glad that Jenara was included. Foils for her are at $30, and one of the reasons I was deterred from building an EDH deck with her was the cost.


Archangel of Strife may not be expensive, but this is her first time in foil, and being printed only in C11 means that she could easily be bought out. Reprinting her wasn't a terrible idea.


And agreeing with everyone on Iridescent Angel's art - it's absolutely gorgeous. She's also not that terrible in EDH. Spectra Ward is a hard card to deal with, and having a creature with that built in is even better.

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