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In a nutshell:

  • Physical/special split occurs in Gen 4 like Mitchell mentioned. So yeah, certain moves may have been changed to Physical if they were special and vice versa. Also, more TMs for stuff.
  • Gen 5 has 156 new mons to play with; 15 more TMs and a few other things. There are those two Pokes that need to traded with each other to evolve (weird).
  • Gen 6 has Fairy types, Steel loses its resistances to Dark/Ghost, Dragon is weak to Fairy (think Psychic and Dark back in Gen 2), some moves got their powers nerfed, certain Pokes got buffed stats.

TBH, I got into the games somewhere in late Gen 5 (yeah, blame lack of GBA/DS games + notably a DS until late 2013.)

I have XD for Gamecube, but bought that one later (and yeah, I need to remember that moves in that game do not necessarily work the way they do in Gen 4+)

There's also Pokemon Battle Revolution, which is kinda like a Showdown emulator for the Wii.

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I don't start college until the 24th this month.

Though one of the problems is essentially trying to get homework problems from the textbook for 4th year calculus.


I have an older edition of the textbook from 2012 when I registered, but unfortunately the publisher decides to update it some time later.

Yeah, I really did not want to spend $130 for a book that I only need for one semester.


Maybe I can ask one of my acquaintances if I can have a look at his book (since he took the course before I did; he might have the latest edition + I can compare the book problems with what I have now). The content should be the same (more or less), except for the problems.



And of course, I start having to code stuff again (because engineering major requires that I take a programming course to graduate).

I tried doing the engineering one this past spring (in C), but that didn't go so well, so going with an alternative one. 


This one is probably Java and a few other things that should be relatively easier.


(I can code in C a little bit, but otherwise I'd rather not because it pisses me off)

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  On 8/16/2015 at 5:24 AM, Tentacruel said:

I don't know what the actual drink is called and it's impossible to Google cumshot.


It was Fireball and vanilla ice cream I think.

I braved the internet and found this



Doesn't seem like the same thing but it's sure a thing.


Edit: And these http://www.drinksmixer.com/cat/437/



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I won't be of legal age to drink in the USA for another three months (my birthday is November 15th), or for that matter, even help my parents carry said liquor to car.

Though, the authorities can't exactly do much if you are underage + drink at home (inside) in the presence of parents and you don't do something stupid.


I'd rather wait until I'm 21 (or when I get a job), though.


The last thing I'd want for my parents/myself is if I get caught drinking liquor at home right now (even if parents are watching + I'm not doing something stupid); even with the windows closed (although I don't have nosy neighbors looking in my window).


Not sure if Hawai'i has any rules that would allow people under 21 to have drinks at home in presence of parent/guardian; likely not.

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