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[CFV] Altmile I took to locals tonight

Just Crouton

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G0s: 17

FV Shining Knight, Millius

8 Crit

4 Encourage Angel (Stand)

4 Heal


G1s: 14

3 Knight of Shield Bash

3 Gigantech Shot Putter

4 Knight of Laurel, Sicilus

4 PGs


G2s: 11

4 Knight of Fragment

4 Knight of Twin Sword

3 Benizel


G3s: 8

4 Blue Sky Knight, Altmile

4 Militaristic Knight, Marianus


Strides: 8

4 Great Sage of Contradiction, Jirron: The boss. Stride, call (optional,) give 5k to something. With Altmile, you can give 5k to 2 more guys. He can be used anytime.

2 Gablade

1 Samuel

1 Snow Elemental, Blizza: Can get huge in longer games.


It worked really well.


Had problems with grade 2s now and then, where none of my Fragments were in the deck to call with Twin Sword or Benizel.


I spam Jirrons by default. The first stride turn is devastating since Jirron + Altmile can add 10k to 1 column and 5k to another for CB1. The deck hits really hard between 22-26k.


Plus, Encourage Angel and Shot Putter make the rear columns even bigger.


Counterblasting wasn't much of a problem, save for longer games.


Considering dropping a Twin Sword and a Shield Bash for 2 Bredes (the 12k guy)/Blaster Blade Spirits.



Game 1 vs Crimson/Vanquisher (0-2)

Got my ass destroyed. Between Crimson and Conquest Dragon, opponent kept binding my guys.


Game 2 vs. Bluish Flame (0-2)

Did a lot better despite losing. Almost won both games with Jirron + Altmile super columns. I kept landing triggers, which helped to block Prominence Core/Glare/whichever one prevents guarding with G1+. If I had survived another turn in game 2, I could've made him deck out.


Game 3 vs. Ahsha (2-1)

Opponent fell to Jirron's super columns game 1 and 3. After the first rush, he had no hand and drew bad, so I had the rest of the game. Tried Samuel in game 2, but he didn't really do anything, and I ended up losing to Multivitamin + Marehopes if I remember.


Game 4 vs. Bermudas (2-1)

Had no idea how to play against Bermudas or how they work. Opponent ran a G3 that restood or something, and there was a card that drew more cards by revealing her or something...
Got lucky game 1 when he couldn't guard the stride, and I landed a Hail Mary Crit.

Game 2, he dropped enough shield on Jirron so 1 trigger could smash it, and I ended up checking 2 Stands and a Crit to break his wall.


Finishing on a strong note for the first time, I ended up in 10th place out of 13 and didn't make it to the final 8.



Although, I did get a pack with the 12k Shadow Paladin who looks like a Megaman character :Kappa:

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