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Dice Jar deck

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A deck based around Dice Jar.




[spoiler=Decklist]2x Cat of Ill Omen
3x Dice Jar
1x Effect Veiler
3x Mask of Darkness
3x Tackle Crusader

3x Book of Eclipse
1x Book of Moon
1x Book of Taiyou
1x Catapult Zone
1x Foolish Burial
2x MST
2x Pot of Duality
1x Raigeki
1x Soul Charge
3x Upstart Goblin

1x Mirror Force
3x Reckless Greed
3x Reverse Reuse
2x Rock Bombardment
3x That Six


The Extra Deck is just stuff and so is the Side Deck.



Basically, the aim to get Dice Jar and That Six as fast as possible, and proceed to burn my opponent for massive damage. Reverse Reuse is amazing as it allows me to get 2 Dice Jar set on the Field, and it doesn't matter who controls them. Rock Bombardment is good for getting them in the Grave and also works with Tackle Crusader as extra copies of Book of Moon or as a semi-MST.


I am considering using the Prediction Princesses, but I don't know what I would change. Also, I am keeping this TCG only, so no Pot of Taboos for now.


Any help would be appreciated.

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-I'd take Catapult Zone out of there, pointless and even more pointless ran at 1 without any searchers for it. 

-If you're putting in cards like Bombardment largely for dumping Dice Jar then should probably run at least 1 The Shallow Grave. It's faster in a way than Reverse Reuse as you can use it the same turn you Foolish your Jar, and if you can use it turn 1 or just when your opponent has little in the grave it loses the downside.

-2 MSTs doesn't make sense to me, what backrow do you fear when you're never attacking? And there's not much Vanity's can do to hurt you.

-Cat of Ill Omen combos with Reckless and does nothing else, Mask of Darkness makes no sense whatsoever because there aren't any traps you particularly need to recycle.
-3 Upstart in a deck that relies on burning does not seem the best idea.
I'd drop the Veiler, the Cats, the Mask, the Upstarts and the Rock Bombardment to put in as many Prediction Princesses as that allows. Tarotrei is amazing for both enabling your own things and disrupting your opponent. I understand that it would kind of change the nature of the deck but not so much that it becomes a different strategy. Don't see why you'd not use Ring of Destruction in this kind of deck as well. May as well fill the extra with whatever is theoretically possible.
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-I'd take Catapult Zone out of there, pointless and even more pointless ran at 1 without any searchers for it. 

I probably will

-If you're putting in cards like Bombardment largely for dumping Dice Jar then should probably run at least 1 The Shallow Grave. It's faster in a way than Reverse Reuse as you can use it the same turn you Foolish your Jar, and if you can use it turn 1 or just when your opponent has little in the grave it loses the downside.

Seems neat, thanks

-2 MSTs doesn't make sense to me, what backrow do you fear when you're never attacking? And there's not much Vanity's can do to hurt you.

Royal Decree 100% kills this deck

-Cat of Ill Omen combos with Reckless and does nothing else, Mask of Darkness makes no sense whatsoever because there aren't any traps you particularly need to recycle.
​Cat is necessary for the search of That Six unless I add in more Draw Power. Might drop a Mask of Darkness or 2, but I think 1 is good as a "just in case"  
-3 Upstart in a deck that relies on burning does not seem the best idea.
Even if I give my opponent 3000 LP, it does not matter as I should be hitting my opponent for 6000s anyway.
I'd drop the Veiler, the Cats, the Mask, the Upstarts and the Rock Bombardment to put in as many Prediction Princesses as that allows. Tarotrei is amazing for both enabling your own things and disrupting your opponent. I understand that it would kind of change the nature of the deck but not so much that it becomes a different strategy. Don't see why you'd not use Ring of Destruction in this kind of deck as well. May as well fill the extra with whatever is theoretically possible.
I don't know what Princesses to run and at what, as I don't know the archetype well. I would like too use them though.





Why are you ruining Book of Taiyo and Book of Eclipse?


Dice Jar is a Flip monster, and they allow me to reuse its effect. I can OTK with Eclipse and Reverse Reuse, as I summon them face-down and my opponent's monsters are them flipped face-up in the End Phase.

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You could put in Swords of Revealing Light, which would mean the Jars (on your opponent's side) would flip, plus your opponent can't attack you because I was testing this deck and I was getting attacked quite a lot, which meant I lost. Would also help you stall for other cards that you might need.

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You could put in Swords of Revealing Light, which would mean the Jars (on your opponent's side) would flip, plus your opponent can't attack you because I was testing this deck and I was getting attacked quite a lot, which meant I lost. Would also help you stall for other cards that you might need.


Personally I don't think it would be worth it, as although 3 turns of protection is very nice, they can still remove it easily making it a risky way to protect my LP. Book of Eclipse can also help me survive and flip my opponent's Dice Jar face up, while also being useful for flipping my own face-down.

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