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Teen Titans: Twilight of the Gods (OOC/PG-16/Limited Acceptance/Started)


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[spoiler=Application 2.0]
"I'll assist you.  But you'd better not cross me."

Name:  Martin Alan Flandre
Alias:  Sting
Age: 21
Gender:  Male.
Martin is six feet, and two inches tall.  His matted orange and scruffy hair, the tattoos on his feet, and the sharp look in his eyes are the signs of a man who knows battle.  His pants are faded, but were once a much more bright red with black stripes.  The bands around his wrists and waist are also red, completing his ensemble.  The muscle shirt he wears is a simple, and plain white.  He may sometimes change this out for a gray or red muscle shirt of the same kind.  Strangely enough, Martin does not like to wear shoes.  If he absolutely must, Martin keeps a simple pair of open toed brown sandals.  Any other time, you will catch him barefoot.  The tattoos on both his left and right feet are that of Yellow Jackets, hence his alias.  They can be found on the very bottom, most near his heel on either foot.

Martin is a go-getter.  He gets frustrated with lazy people, often insisting that they try harder.  "You can't reach your goals from the bed,  Come on, let's go!"  Some might say Martin tries too hard.  He is relentless in his dedication to maintaining a healthy, fit body, while upholding his training in the many martial arts he has mastered.  He takes the meaning of 'dedication' to another level.  'Surrender' is not a term he relates to, and 'defeat' is never an option.  He is very active, and he loves the outdoors.  Camping, hiking, fishing, and sports are a great way to catch his attention.  He is also quite susceptible to a good meal, but will often regret it after wards.  "My body has succumb to high calorie intake and fat!  But it was worth it!  I will train like I've never trained before!"
Martin has a good heart.  He keeps the interest of others in mind whenever he is about to make a decision.  He does his best to be as selfless as possible, while assuring that he too is satisfied.  A quick solution may not be the best, and so he is prepared to take the time to solve a difficult problem if it means everyone is better off.  Martin has the spirit of a teacher, guiding his friends and associates as best he can.  He has a great passion for friendship, and values it highly.  He is as loyal as he is loud, and admittedly, Martin likes to hug people a bit too much.  Don't let him catch you in a sour mood.  He might just hold on to you until you cheer up.  He is resilient both physically and mentally, and isn't afraid of a challenge, even if he knows he can't win.  "You may defeat me now, but I will become stronger, and we shall face each other once more!"

Hailing from Salvador, Brazil, Martin made his way to the United States at the age of two, after spending the first early years of his life back home.  His mother, who passed away at his birth, was a kind woman whose spirit bares down on him all the time.  His father, Juneau, is very strict, but is as loving as he is harsh.  With passports and identification, green cards and required papers, they relocated to San Francisco, California, where Martin would soon undergo some very diverse and intensive training.  Juneau wanted much for Martin, but without a proper education, couldn't seem to reach out and grab the things he longed for.  Instead, he would teach Martin what he did know.  Martial arts.  For many years he had been a licensed instructor, but without his own dojo, he could only teach Martin so much from home.
At the age of three, Martin began training with his father day in, and day out, in a fighting style of Capoeira.   Juneau, who had long since acquired a black belt in this martial art, fought rigorously with Martin, who took to it quickly.  In fact, Martin enjoyed it so much, that he practically forced Juneau to take things further.  "I want a belt like yours, papa!" he squealed.  And that's when Juneau knew Martin had what it takes to push boundaries.  After only six months training, Juneau took Martin to a children's dojo, where he was able to bargain with the dojo master to accept Martin as a student.  "Very well.  But he will receive no special treatment."  Martin smiled at this.  It was exactly what he wanted.  And over the next four years, Martin fought relentlessly, tiring his body to the brink of exhaustion, and breaking more bones than one thought possible.  But at only the age of seven, he had earned a Black Belt in Capoeira.  And he wouldn't stop there.  Martin sought to learn other fighting styles, from all over the world.  But there was only one place for him to learn.  The World Martial Arts Academy.  There were teachers of every kind of martial art, with masteries and willingness to train students of all ages.
Without a second thought, Juneau packed up what he and Martin could carry, and they took a road trip to Missouri.  After settling down, Martin was quickly enrolled in the WMA Academy, where he would begin studying immediately.  He chose the courses that appealed to him most, and began his same break neck training once more.  And over the next twelve years, Martin would master three more martial arts styles, acquiring a black belt in Jujitsu, Aikido, and Taekwondo.  Juneau could not have been more proud.
Martin, who had pushed himself to the edge, and even beyond, had successfully mastered four fighting styles.  But he still wasn't happy.  He was grateful to his teachers, for their timeless effort and the values they instilled in him.  But it wasn't enough to fulfill Martin's thirst for strength.   Finally, he took it upon himself to take a journey where he could truly find what he was looking for in himself.  He approached Juneau on a warm September evening, and broke the news.  "Papa.  I wish to travel.  I wish to discover the world and find greater meaning for myself, and my life.  And I am asking for your blessing."  Juneau of course obliged.  There was no way he was going to let Martin be held back by his own wishes.  "Go on then. But you'd better bring me some souvenirs."  Martin smiled with great joy, hugging Juneau before running out of the door
Over the course of a year, Martin would travel the globe, unsure of what he was looking for.  Having little money, he would often have to spend extended stays working in new places in other countries to pay for his next trip.  Fortunately, he managed to acquire a horse for very little cost, saving him time, money, and trouble.  Near the end of his trip, Martin visited the southern regions of India, finding himself at Jaipur.  Being a tourist, he gave into a few local customs, stories, and legends.  That's when Martin learned of a sage who lived as a hermit in the outskirts of the lands.   "They say he can withdraw the latent potential out of any man, even those who are dying."
And that was all Martin needed to hear.  He paid this hermit sage a visit, wanting to know more of his own latent potential.  And he would learn quickly, as he entered the Hermit's Grotto.  Announcing his presence, Martin eagerly searched for the famed hermit.  "Hello?  Is anyone here?"
"Ahh, a visitor.  Please, come in," the hermit called, luring Martin further into his home.  As Martin rounded a corner, he bumped into a rather odd person, dressed head to toe in ceremonial garb, covered in blood and paint.  The hermit bowed, graciously, stopping Martin before he could speak a word.  "Are you--"
"Yes, I am the sage you seek."
"Yes, I know why you are here."
"Is it--"
"True?  Would you like to find out for yourself?"
Martin pondered for a moment.  He had come this far, There was no sense in backing down now.  "Yes.  Yes, I'll do it."


"You will be the first," the hermit said suddenly.


"I--wait, what?"  Too late.  The sage placed an index finger, thumb, and middle finger on the man's forehead, and knocked him out cold in an instant.  When Martin awoke, he felt very warm.  His heart was beating rapidly, and his head pounded and burned.  The sage was standing over him, a creepy smile across his face.  Martin shot up, staggering away from the sage and taking a defensive stance.  "What did you do to me?" he asked right away.  The sage took a seat, as he prepared to explain himself.

"The power dormant within you is not your own.  It is not to be used for your own selfish purposes or will.  Better, it be used for the strength of your friends, allies, and loved ones.  For when you fight in their stead, you are strongest, and none will best you."  Martin, unsure of how to respond, opened his palms and examined his hands, flipping them over and over.  "I don't understand.  What--"
"With determination, poise, will, insight, and strength.  You will soon discover that your potential in limitless.  But you must depart.  There are many who can use you, right now."
"No, wait, please.  You have to tell me more.  I don't--"
Martin was rushed to his feet, and ushered out by the hermit.  "In time, Martin.  In due time."
Martin would return to the United States shortly before his twenty-first birthday.  And it was shortly after this time, returning home, that Martin would discover what he was capable of.  After the long flight home, Martin left the airport late, weary, and tired.  He couldn't wait to get home and sleep.  But not before he was confronted in the back alleys of Missouri by a group of 3 thugs.  Nothing like picking on a stranger when they're most vulnerable.  Drawing their guns, they pointed them carefully at Martin, demanding his money and valuables.
But he refused. 
"You wanna die, guy?  Just hand it ova', and we can all go home."
Martin dropped his bags, and put up his hands.  "I can't do that."
The thugs, entertained at the thought of a three on one beating, took this chance to humiliate Martin.  "Three against one?   You must really wanna die."
Martin waited for his enemies to approach, and struck when one of the thugs lunged at him, brandishing a dagger.  Flipping the thug's momentum against him, he broke the man's wrist, and tossed him against a wall.  But Martin, not prepared for the result, was shocked at what he saw.  As the man crashed against the brick alley wall, he kept going, right through it, tearing a large whole inside of it.
"What the--you're some kinda strong, guy!" another thug said, pulling his gun out again.  He fired at Martin, who instinctively ducked and rolled out of the way.  When he came out of his roll, he was at the thug's feet, and knocked away his weapon.  Martin continued his assault, striking the thug thrice more.  The third blow sent the thug into shock, despite it not being a powerful strike.  The thug collapsed, almost dazed at what had just happened.  Martin was also confused,not sure what caused the thug's demise.
The last standing thug brandished a pair of brass knuckles, looking to stop Martin right away.  But as the thug attacked, Martin stepped backwards, leaping out of the way.  Keeping on his toes, Martin launched a powerful roundhouse kick at the thug's chest, sending him flying, and taking one of his allies with him.  
This startled Martin much more than the thugs he had just dealt with, causing him to flee the scene right away.  But his night wouldn't end there.  As he was returning home, a figure dropped down in front of him, holding up a hand.  Martin, exhausted, took one more stance.  But the person in question only offered him a chance to put his abilities to good use.  Apparently, they had been watching him from afar, and noticed how he tactfully took down the thugs that surrounded him.  Martin was then offered the opportunity to join the Teen Titans, where he would find his strength was more than welcome.

[spoiler=Powers & Abilities]
Definitive Determination - Martin's determination keeps him thriving in battle.  Martin's strikes against an opponent will increase his attack speed by ten percent, stacking up to three times.  Four successive strikes against the same target will stun the target for 1.75 seconds.  Definitive Determination cannot be applied to the same target more than once every six seconds.
Purposeful Poise-  Martin strikes with impressive force, creating a concentrated sonic wave in a narrow cone in front of him up to twenty yards away.  If the wave lands, Martin can blink to the target and apply one of the following effects:
If the target is an ally, Martin will empower them with his own strength, and increase the damage of his ally's next strike by fifteen percent.
If the target is an enemy, Martin will demoralize them, dealing light damage, and increasing the damage they take from his allies by eight percent for five seconds.
Unbreakable Will - Martin dashes to an ally within ten yards, shielding them by sheer force of his will, creating a barrier of energy around them for four seconds.  Martin can use this technique to absorb incoming projectiles and attacks against his ally.  Allies shielded by Unbreakable Will take ten percent reduced damage from all sources for ten seconds, even after the shield expires or is broken.  
Infinite Insight - Martin sweeps the ground around him with a quick, low kick.  Enemies struck will lose their balance and be crippled for three seconds.  Crippled enemies have their movement speed reduced by five percent.  Allies who strike crippled targets will be buffered, regenerating mild wounds and gaining increased recovery from fatigue.
Dragonic Strength - Martin launches a powerful roundhouse kick, dealing moderate damage to his enemies and knocking them back up to a ten meters away.  The force of the kick is great, and other enemies who are behind the initial target will be knocked into the air for one second.  Martin can only use this ability on Crippled enemies.
Mastery in Capoeira
Mastery in Taekwondo
Mastery in Aikido
Mastery in Jujitsu

[spoiler=Standard Weapons & Equipment]
Titan Communicater.
His hands and feet.



Martin's done.  Abilities easier to adjust. Identity was fun and easy to find, and I like him a lot.  Complain / praise away.


Both Saiba and I feel like this is a step down from Alfonso. For one thing, the character seems to be very...generic. You seem to have created a character that heavily emulates the formulaic design of most main anime protagonists. Quite honestly, we were hoping for something more. In essence, the personality seems flat. 


Also the powers are formatted to better fit the description of a video game character. Which would be fine if this RP were styled like Lore: Online or Undertakers, but that isn't the case. What does it mean when damage is increased by 8%? These characters don't have HP bars. It just really doesn't fit with the setting or theme of the RP. 


All in all, I feel as if the character was rushed and a bit sloppily put together.

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Characters have lives so if they were to take damage, it was intended for them to take a lot more.  Alfonso I feel was way more difficult to play and frankly changing him would require. . .twice as much effort.  I can give him a once over, but I honestly don't know.

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Characters have lives so if they were to take damage, it was intended for them to take a lot more.  Alfonso I feel was way more difficult to play and frankly changing him would require. . .twice as much effort.  I can give him a once over, but I honestly don't know.


Alright, well it's ultimately your choice what you want to submit and what you think you will be able to play best

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The thing is, Alfonso's identity is based on stars.  If I can't manipulate them, I'm losing a character.  So I need to know what you need for Alfonso to be playable.


Well the fact that he can level a city block is the only problem we really had with it.

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Well the fact that he can level a city block is the only problem we really had with it.


You never gave me parameters.  What do you want the changes to be?  What is the limit?  How big can the impact site be versus the explosion aftermath?

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Thanks, that looks better already! Is there any particular reason you want there to be other rainbow jewels in existence?


That stems from the original villain concept that Geo was made for: The Rainbow Jewel was supposed to be shattered and scattered across the city for Geo and the Titans to find. In this version, I felt it was required that Geo did not just find a one-of a kind artefact with potentially world-changing implications, but something that was distinguishable but not unique, but more importantly was part of a much bigger whole. Basically, a plot device for future, potentiality character focused story involving a tomb-raider vibe.

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That stems from the original villain concept that Geo was made for: The Rainbow Jewel was supposed to be shattered and scattered across the city for Geo and the Titans to find. In this version, I felt it was required that Geo did not just find a one-of a kind artefact with potentially world-changing implications, but something that was distinguishable but not unique, but more importantly was part of a much bigger whole. Basically, a plot device for future, potentiality character focused story involving a tomb-raider vibe.


Alright, thanks for that explanation. I cannot guarantee that the plot device you've designed will be included in the RP, but it's a nice idea and will be taken into consideration.

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I'll withdraw from this RP it doesn't look like I'll get an app in time. I'll most like end up being a reader in the future. Wish this much success.


That's sad to hear. Hopefully if/when we are accepting in the future you can get an application in! Glad that you'll be reading along

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Ok guys, as Renegade mentioned, we moved up the deadline to the 13th. This means that you can expect to know whether or not your characters were accepted sometime that day. In the meantime, feel free to edit / play around with / polish your applications up until that date. We will most likely post the IC Thread on the 14th and by the 15th we should have begun the RP. Hopefully you are all as excited as I am to get started~!

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Very interested. App should be up by tonight.




"S-so-sorry about-t that" (off-duty)


"Move, before I hurt you." (on-duty)

Name: Janson "Needlepoint" Thool

Age: 17 (born January 23rd)

Gender: Demiboy (He/him pronouns)


Janson is a lithe demiboy, with skin so fair it looks as if it had never seen the sun. He stands at 6' even and weighs 140 lbs, and his grey-green eyes always seem to be contorted into an expression of absolute terror. Though rarely seen bare, Janson's hands are scarred and mangled, though still fully-functional. In sharp contrast to the rest of him, Janson's chest-length hair is stripped silver and navy, and always up in a ponytail. 


Though typically not seen outside of his room, his normal attire is somewhat comparable to that of an exasperated college student's: a dark, long-sleeved hoodie, dark skinny jeans, and dark skate shoes. In the field, however, his outfit makes a drastic change. He dons a loose-fitting grey poncho with a pattern that reminds most of TV static, wraps himself shoulder to fingertip and thigh to toetip in bright white linens, and arms himself with his signature throwing needles. 




Quiet, reserved, and having what seems to be a fear of social interaction, Janson tends to shy away from conversation and confrontation. He doesn't talk much, but when he does he trips over his own words and apologizes for things that most wouldn't. Because of this, he tends to come off as anti-social and cold to those who do not know him. But as anti-social as he is, he will not hesitate to stand up for any injustice he happens to see or hear. 


But on the battlefield, Janson takes on an almost opposite personality. He becomes the cool and calculating Needlepoint. Seeming to have his own plan of action, he acts on his own with what seems to be no regard for the safety of his teammates. He will, however, follow any instructions given to him during the fight. Though it doesn't seem like it, he does care about his teammates and takes steps to ensure that he does not injure them, merely coming close to doing so.




Janson was never in a good situation. Abused by his seamstress mother as a child, Janson learned to sew at the age of 4 through a dangerous game of trial-and-error. His sewing never was up to his mother's standards, though, and she punished him with needle pricks and skin embroidery for every missed stitch, every incorrect cut, every possible thing. By the time he could sew well, his hands were a mangled mess of scars. Despite this, Janson was forced to work in his mother's shop, sewing everything from dresses and shirts to knapsacks and bedding. 


Tired of having to work for nothing and having to live with the vile woman he called his mother, Janson decided to escape into the Irish forests that were mere miles from his prison on his 11th birthday. He planned his escape for months, gathering spare fabric and needles to fashion what he hoped to make into a rope of some sort. But a few days before his planned escape, his mother found the stash of supplies. Her punishment was nothing short of cruel and unusual: She had sewn her son's skin into the mattress of his bed. After a few weeks, he thought of breaking the strings that bound him and running away. He didn't care where, he just needed to get away. Then, he noticed something. His hands felt heavy, heavier than anything he'd ever held. Then, he felt free. Janson swiveled his eyes to see that his bonds had been broken, and that metal tendrils were retreating into his fingertips. He knew he should have been frightened, but he wasn't; he was free. He knew that this was something he needed. Immediately, he made a rope out using his new-found powers and scrambled out the window, never looking back. 


On the way to the forests was the small town of Amozoth. Because Janson was weak and running on pure adrenaline, he broke down there. It was there that he discovered an abandoned acupuncture shop, which he made his shelter for the time being. During his spare time, which he had a substantial amount of, Janson wandered about the shop, reading the books and charts about the human body. One day he found what was left og the needles, about 30 of them, and decided that if he ever needed to defend himself, these would be his weapons. For food, Janson learned how to avoid people's gaze so that he could steal. But while people failed to watch him, Janson say the injustices others suffered. He saw kids like himself,  mistreated by their parents and peers, and swore that he was going to master his new gift and make sure that no one else would have to suffer the way he did.


Throughout the years, Janson made a name for himself in Ireland as the Slánaitheoir na leanaí, the savior of children. Where ever he was, he would bind the oppressor and tell the children to run away and never look back, and then fade into the night. Whenever police arrived at the scenes, which was usually the morning after the "attack", they made jokes that it was a freak sewing accident, or a needlepoint job run amok. Janson seemed to enjoy the jokes, and appropriately adopted his current alias, Needlepoint.


But once the police had grown tired of his justice, Janson knew that Ireland would no longer be the safe haven it once was long ago. So he decided that helping children in other countries would be just as good, and stowed away on a freight ship to America. It was there that he discovered the Justice League, and soon after, the Teen Titans.



[spoiler=Powers & Abilities]

Thread Conjuration and Manipulation-

Janson has the ability to make thread appear from his fingertips, which can be made from any material found on Earth. He can, in theory, make 10 different threads made of 10 different materials if he so desired, but it has never been done. He tends to stay with either durable threads like Kevlar or dangerous threads like razorwire. Whatever thread he makes he can manipulate into whatever shape he can imagine, though this occupies his hands and prevents him from fighting. 



Standard stealth abilities acquired through years of not wanting to be noticed. Easily detectable if using tech/ powers. 


Pressure Point Knowledge-

Has knowledge of pressure points, and is able to utilize this knowledge into a fighting style. Able to paralyze any human with a few swift strikes. 


Advanced Sewing Knowledge-

Knows sewing like the back of his scar-riddled hands. Able to sew anything, ranging from cloth to skin



[spoiler=Standard Weapons & Equipment]

These are the weapons and equipments that your character normally carries into battle. All participants will receive a hi-tech Titan Communicator within the first part of the RP.


Throwing Needles x30

A cross between acupuncture needles and throwing knives, these needles are small, sharp, silent, and strong. Able to pierce most things, they are made of corrundum. 


Kevlar Poncho-

Fairly self-explanatory. A poncho made of Kevlar, made from his fingertips. Has numerous pockets on the inside for his needles. 


Linen Wrappings-

Primarily linen cloth with a bit of Kevlar for strength, made from powers. Is able to use as a second set of hands in an emergency.




  • Despite living in Ireland for most of his life, knows no Irish and has no accent.
  • Not very good at math, limited reading ability.
  • Doesn't like to kill people, and only does so when forced to.
  • No known relatives besides mother
  • Refuses to wear gloves, despite being self-conscious about his hands.




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Interest noted. Application will be up soon


Very interested. App should be up by tonight.



[spoiler=Needlepoint WIP]

"...r-right, sorry."

Name: Janson "Needlepoint" Thool

Age: 17 (born January 23rd)

Gender: Demiboy (He/him pronouns)


Janson is a lithe demiboy, with skin so fair it looks as if it had never seen the sun. He stands at 6' even and weighs 140 lbs, and his grey-green eyes always seem to be contorted into an expression of absolute terror. Though rarely seen bare, Janson's hands are scarred and mangled, though still fully-functional. In sharp contrast to the rest of him, Janson's chest-length hair is stripped silver and navy, and always up in a ponytail. 


Though typically not seen outside of his room, his normal attire is somewhat comparable to that of an exasperated college student's: a dark, long-sleeved hoodie, dark skinny jeans, and dark skate shoes. In the field, however, his outfit makes a drastic change. He dons a loose-fitting grey poncho with a pattern that reminds most of TV static, wraps himself shoulder to fingertip and thigh to toetip in bright white linens, and arms himself with his signature throwing needles. 




Quiet, reserved, and having what seems to be a fear of social interaction, Janson tends to shy away from conversation and confrontation. He doesn't talk much, but when he does he trips over his own words and apologizes for things that most wouldn't. Because of this, he tends to come off as anti-social and cold to those who do not know him. But as anti-social as he is, he will not hesitate to stand up for any injustice he happens to see or hear. 


But on the battlefield, Janson takes on an almost opposite personality. He becomes the cool and calculating Needlepoint. Seeming to have his own plan of action, he acts on his own with what seems to be no regard for the safety of his teammates. He will, however, follow any instructions given to him during the fight. Though it doesn't seem like it, he does care about his teammates and takes steps to ensure that he does not injure them, merely coming close to doing so.




Include at least 3 paragraphs that describe your character's background history in detail. It should include things like the relationships to family and friends, major tragedies in their life, how they got into the business of being a hero, and how they obtained their powers/weapons(if applicable)


Janson was never in a good situation. Abused by his seamstress mother as a child, Janson learned to sew at the age of 4 through a dangerous game of trial-and-error. His sewing never was up to his mother's standards, though, and she punished him with needle pricks for every missed stitch, every incorrect cut, every little thing. By the time he could sew well, his hands were a mangled mess of scars. Despite this, Janson was forced to work in his mother's shop, sewing everything from dresses and shirts to knapsacks and bedding. 


Tired of having to work for nothing and having to live with the vile woman he called his mother, Janson decided to escape into the Irish forests that were mere miles from his prison on his 11th birthday. He planned his escape for months, gathering spare fabric and needles to fashion what he hoped to make into a rope of some sort. But a few days before his planned escape, his mother found the stash of supplies. Her punishment was nothing short of cruel and unusual: She had sewn her son's skin into the mattress of his bed. Vulnerable and afraid, Janson screamed every night until his voice had vanished. After a fortnight of unanswered screams, he began to think how nice it would be to be free, away from his prison and its warden. He thought of breaking the strings that bound him and running away. He didn't care where, he just needed to get away. Then, he noticed something. His hands felt heavy, heavier than anything he'd ever held. Then, he felt free. Janson swiveled his eyes to see that his bonds had been broken,



[spoiler=Powers & Abilities]

Thread Conjuration and Manipulation-

Janson has the ability to make thread appear from his fingertips, which can be made from any material found on Earth. He can, in theory, make 10 different threads made of 10 different materials if he so desired, but it has never been done. He tends to stay with either durable threads like Kevlar or dangerous threads like razorwire. Whatever thread he makes he can manipulate into whatever shape he can imagine, though this occupies his hands and prevents him from fighting. 



Standard stealth abilities acquired through years of not wanting to be noticed. Easily detectable if using tech/ powers. 


Pressure Point Knowledge-

Has knowledge of pressure points, and is able to utilize this knowledge into a fighting style. Able to paralyze any human with a few swift strikes. 


Advanced Sewing Knowledge-

Knows sewing like the back of his scar-riddled hands. Able to sew anything, ranging from cloth to skin



[spoiler=Standard Weapons & Equipment]

These are the weapons and equipments that your character normally carries into battle. All participants will receive a hi-tech Titan Communicator within the first part of the RP.


Throwing Needles x30

Similar to throwing knives, these needles are small, sharp, silent, and strong. Able to pierce most things, they are made of corrundum. 








Just keep in mind that you need to have your apps finalized before the 13th (tomorrow)!! After that point, we cannot guarantee that any changes you make will be taken into consideration. I look forward to seeing both of your finished products.

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Just keep in mind that you need to have your apps finalized before the 13th (tomorrow)!! After that point, we cannot guarantee that any changes you make will be taken into consideration. I look forward to seeing both of your finished products.

Is there a specific time on the 13th, or is it just when the 13th rolls around?

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Is there a specific time on the 13th, or is it just when the 13th rolls around?


We haven't set a specific time, but I'd imagine it is going to be late morning or early afternoon, so any last minute applications need to be in VERY soon. As soon as the thread title says Not Accepting any further changes will not be considered. 

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Very interested. App should be up by tonight.




"S-so-sorry about-t that" (off-duty)


"Move, before I hurt you." (on-duty)

Name: Janson "Needlepoint" Thool

Age: 17 (born January 23rd)

Gender: Demiboy (He/him pronouns)


Janson is a lithe demiboy, with skin so fair it looks as if it had never seen the sun. He stands at 6' even and weighs 140 lbs, and his grey-green eyes always seem to be contorted into an expression of absolute terror. Though rarely seen bare, Janson's hands are scarred and mangled, though still fully-functional. In sharp contrast to the rest of him, Janson's chest-length hair is stripped silver and navy, and always up in a ponytail. 


Though typically not seen outside of his room, his normal attire is somewhat comparable to that of an exasperated college student's: a dark, long-sleeved hoodie, dark skinny jeans, and dark skate shoes. In the field, however, his outfit makes a drastic change. He dons a loose-fitting grey poncho with a pattern that reminds most of TV static, wraps himself shoulder to fingertip and thigh to toetip in bright white linens, and arms himself with his signature throwing needles. 




Quiet, reserved, and having what seems to be a fear of social interaction, Janson tends to shy away from conversation and confrontation. He doesn't talk much, but when he does he trips over his own words and apologizes for things that most wouldn't. Because of this, he tends to come off as anti-social and cold to those who do not know him. But as anti-social as he is, he will not hesitate to stand up for any injustice he happens to see or hear. 


But on the battlefield, Janson takes on an almost opposite personality. He becomes the cool and calculating Needlepoint. Seeming to have his own plan of action, he acts on his own with what seems to be no regard for the safety of his teammates. He will, however, follow any instructions given to him during the fight. Though it doesn't seem like it, he does care about his teammates and takes steps to ensure that he does not injure them, merely coming close to doing so.




Janson was never in a good situation. Abused by his seamstress mother as a child, Janson learned to sew at the age of 4 through a dangerous game of trial-and-error. His sewing never was up to his mother's standards, though, and she punished him with needle pricks and skin embroidery for every missed stitch, every incorrect cut, every possible thing. By the time he could sew well, his hands were a mangled mess of scars. Despite this, Janson was forced to work in his mother's shop, sewing everything from dresses and shirts to knapsacks and bedding. 


Tired of having to work for nothing and having to live with the vile woman he called his mother, Janson decided to escape into the Irish forests that were mere miles from his prison on his 11th birthday. He planned his escape for months, gathering spare fabric and needles to fashion what he hoped to make into a rope of some sort. But a few days before his planned escape, his mother found the stash of supplies. Her punishment was nothing short of cruel and unusual: She had sewn her son's skin into the mattress of his bed. After a few weeks, he thought of breaking the strings that bound him and running away. He didn't care where, he just needed to get away. Then, he noticed something. His hands felt heavy, heavier than anything he'd ever held. Then, he felt free. Janson swiveled his eyes to see that his bonds had been broken, and that metal tendrils were retreating into his fingertips. He knew he should have been frightened, but he wasn't; he was free. He knew that this was something he needed. Immediately, he made a rope out using his new-found powers and scrambled out the window, never looking back. 


On the way to the forests was the small town of Amozoth. Because Janson was weak and running on pure adrenaline, he broke down there. It was there that he discovered an abandoned acupuncture shop, which he made his shelter for the time being. During his spare time, which he had a substantial amount of, Janson wandered about the shop, reading the books and charts about the human body. One day he found what was left og the needles, about 30 of them, and decided that if he ever needed to defend himself, these would be his weapons. For food, Janson learned how to avoid people's gaze so that he could steal. But while people failed to watch him, Janson say the injustices others suffered. He saw kids like himself,  mistreated by their parents and peers, and swore that he was going to master his new gift and make sure that no one else would have to suffer the way he did.


Throughout the years, Janson made a name for himself in Ireland as the Slánaitheoir na leanaí, the savior of children. Where ever he was, he would bind the oppressor and tell the children to run away and never look back, and then fade into the night. Whenever police arrived at the scenes, which was usually the morning after the "attack", they made jokes that it was a freak sewing accident, or a needlepoint job run amok. Janson seemed to enjoy the jokes, and appropriately adopted his current alias, Needlepoint.


But once the police had grown tired of his justice, Janson knew that Ireland would no longer be the safe haven it once was long ago. So he decided that helping children in other countries would be just as good, and stowed away on a freight ship to America. It was there that he discovered the Justice League, and soon after, the Teen Titans.



[spoiler=Powers & Abilities]

Thread Conjuration and Manipulation-

Janson has the ability to make thread appear from his fingertips, which can be made from any material found on Earth. He can, in theory, make 10 different threads made of 10 different materials if he so desired, but it has never been done. He tends to stay with either durable threads like Kevlar or dangerous threads like razorwire. Whatever thread he makes he can manipulate into whatever shape he can imagine, though this occupies his hands and prevents him from fighting. 



Standard stealth abilities acquired through years of not wanting to be noticed. Easily detectable if using tech/ powers. 


Pressure Point Knowledge-

Has knowledge of pressure points, and is able to utilize this knowledge into a fighting style. Able to paralyze any human with a few swift strikes. 


Advanced Sewing Knowledge-

Knows sewing like the back of his scar-riddled hands. Able to sew anything, ranging from cloth to skin



[spoiler=Standard Weapons & Equipment]

These are the weapons and equipments that your character normally carries into battle. All participants will receive a hi-tech Titan Communicator within the first part of the RP.


Throwing Needles x30

A cross between acupuncture needles and throwing knives, these needles are small, sharp, silent, and strong. Able to pierce most things, they are made of corrundum. 


Kevlar Poncho-

Fairly self-explanatory. A poncho made of Kevlar, made from his fingertips. Has numerous pockets on the inside for his needles. 


Linen Wrappings-

Primarily linen cloth with a bit of Kevlar for strength, made from powers. Is able to use as a second set of hands in an emergency.




  • Despite living in Ireland for most of his life, knows no Irish and has no accent.
  • Not very good at math, limited reading ability.
  • Doesn't like to kill people, and only does so when forced to.
  • No known relatives besides mother
  • Refuses to wear gloves, despite being self-conscious about his hands.





You've crafted quite the unusual character, to say the least. Don't think I've ever seen powers quite like these before. I'm pretty tired right now, so I won't be able to give you an in depth review, but some things that stick out to me is the fact that he (1) hasn't heard of the Justice League before moving to America. They are a group of superheroes that help people across the globe. I'd imagine he'd of heard something about them beforehand. (2) Is there a reason you don't want him to have an Irish accent? I feel like adopting one would be inevitable seeing as he grew up there. 

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You've crafted quite the unusual character, to say the least. Don't think I've ever seen powers quite like these before. I'm pretty tired right now, so I won't be able to give you an in depth review, but some things that stick out to me is the fact that he (1) hasn't heard of the Justice League before moving to America. They are a group of superheroes that help people across the globe. I'd imagine he'd of heard something about them beforehand. (2) Is there a reason you don't want him to have an Irish accent? I feel like adopting one would be inevitable seeing as he grew up there. 

Aw thank you~


The way I imagined it, Janson grew up isolated and poor (no TV, no radio, nada), so it would make sense if he's never heard of the league before, but I suppose that he could have heard a few things here and there about other heroes. And tbh, the reason that I don't want him to have the accent is because I have close to no idea how to type it out, but I suppose I could give it a shot if I have to~

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