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If You Believe It [Simorgh Lock Ninjas]


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[spoiler=Deck List]

BLS-EotB (it's possible and when it's not I can always zubaba it)

3x Dark Simorgh (Main focus of the deck, can also recur fairly easily)

3x Masked Ninja Ebisu (a ninja for transformations and a bouncer to help make simorgh lock more fun)

3x Mist Valley Falcon (for bounching my used up CotHs and transformations)

3x Ninja Grandmaster Hanzo (for getting out those transformations faster)

3x Upstart Golden Ninja (ninja for transformations and also a quick Xyz if I need it)

2x White Dragon Ninja (Helps maintain Simorgh Lock)

White-Horned Dragon (for those mid-lategame supers against nekroz and other spell heavies)


2x Magic Planter (keeps up consistency when falcon isn't around)


3x RotA (for getting Hanzo into hand)

3x Upstart Goblin (also keeps up consistency)


2x Anti-Spell Fragrance (makes simorgh lock possible, also stops pendulums)


3x CotH


2x Super-Transformation (for White Ninja/Horn)

3x Transformation (for simorgh)


Blade Armor (because ninjas that's why)

3x Castel (you know why)

2x Daigusto Emeral (for recycling those transformation targets)


Lightning Chidori (possible and good removal)

2x 101

2x Ragnazero (cause buffs happen)

Utopia (only for lightning)

Utopia the Lightning (Armedes that can go super saiyan)

Zubaba General (becomes an impressive beater)


Any questions? I thought about teching in a sword of seven, but I think the deck is consistent enough without it. 

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