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Number 7


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The all-new, slightly changed, fully TCG modern version




[spoiler=The all-new, slightly changed, fully TCG modern list]

3 Gagaga Magician

2 Gorz the Emissary of Dankness

3 Inari Fire

3 Jigabyte

2 Kagetokage

2 Nefarious Archfiend Eater of Nefariousness

3 Damajuggler

3 Hattricker

2 Tricklown

2 Dark Hole

1 Foolish

3 Galaxy Queen's Light

1 Raigeki

1 Soul Charge

1 Bottomless

1 Compulsory Evacuation Device

1 Jar of Avarice

3 Mirror Force

1 Ring of Destruction

1 Solemn Warning

1 Torrential


1 Abyss Dweller

1 Castel


1 Exciton

1 Felgrand

1 Cowboy

2 King of the Feral Imps

2 101

1 Big Eye

3 Number 7

1 Trapeze Magician



This deck is absolutely splendiferous, I've tried using other decks since but keep coming back to this simply because victory through use of Number 7 is worth 5 victories without it. The addition of Gorz has helped a lot with the ability to create the main man, and also to kill OTKs to death in the event that Damajuggler has not yet made an appearance. Those 1500/200 guys who all synergise together are absolutely magnifulent for flooding the field and overwhelming as well, and can quickly produce game-winning boards. Not much else to say really, other than Number 7 is the best card in the game.


[spoiler=The original version]9u8OpKK.png


[spoiler=The original list]

3 Gagaga Magician

3 Inari Fire

3 Jigabyte

3 Kagetokage

2 Nefarious Archfiend Eater of Nefariousness

3 Damajuggler

3 Hattricker

3 Tricklown

2 Dark Hole

1 Foolish

3 Galaxy Queen's Light

1 Raigeki

1 Soul Charge

1 Bottomless

1 Compulsory Evacuation Device

1 Jar of Avarice

3 Mirror Force

1 Ring of Destruction

1 Solemn Warning

1 Torrential


1 Castel


1 Exciton

1 Cowboy

3 King of the Feral Imps

1 101

1 Big Eye

1 Utopia

3 Number 7

1 S39: Lightning

1 Trapeze Magician




[spoiler=Success 1]OnapSbt.png


[spoiler=Success 2]7n2jUAv.png


[spoiler=Success 3]tDHgz0q.png


[spoiler=Success 4]vgtMrZA.png


[spoiler=Success 5]



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This is Beautiful.


How often does it roll 7 if I may ask


So far it has happened every time I have summoned it bar once.



This looks absolutely hilarious.


Mind if I test this out myself? I'd like to see how it plays out firsthand, so I can give you my thoughts on it from experience.


Of course.

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2 of That Six and maybe 2 of Onomatopaira (Gagaga searcher)?


EDIT: http://i.imgur.com/2C0Tzue.png is the changes that I tried to make to test for more Number 7 awesomeness, but it's still really rare that I manage to get both Gagaga Magician and Galaxy Queen's Light while having 2 other monsters too ;-;

I can't get out Number 7 usually, so it just ends up as R4 spam ;-;

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2 of That Six and maybe 2 of Onomatopaira (Gagaga searcher)?


EDIT: http://i.imgur.com/2C0Tzue.png is the changes that I tried to make to test for more Number 7 awesomeness, but it's still really rare that I manage to get both Gagaga Magician and Galaxy Queen's Light while having 2 other monsters too ;-;

I can't get out Number 7 usually, so it just ends up as R4 spam ;-;


I was thinking to possibly drop a Kagetokage and a Tricklown to add in 2 Gorz. Given he can be dropped easily and is already a level 7 it would increase the ease of making 7. I have found it to work anyway, as once I draw a Gagaga or Queen's Light I just hold it and wait, because the deck can make rank 4s and generally flood the field easily anyway so holding out a few turns is rarely a difficulty. The Onomatopairas would, I think, clog, and Monk proved to be nowhere near versatile enough in my experience because I want to hold most of the spells I draw unless I know I can actually game them the same turn.

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I tested the deck with the changes I put in there.

Gorz could maybe be a good idea.


This deck is just R4 spam when it's not making R7s.

The Onomatos don't actually clog that much, since it's rare I draw both that and Magician anyways, and I usually have at least one card I can get rid of.

The Monk can discard the Ono for example.

That's probably inefficient though.

I rarely draw the Onos either lol.



EDIT: Besides S39, the entire rest of the deck is now TCG released (on DN at least) too~! :"D

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I added in the Gorz and it works fairly well, basically means that you now have 5 OTK stoppers which is nice. One of the best rank 4 plays to do is make King of the Feral Imps using Tricklown, detatch and revive it searching a Jigabyte and make another 4. But really, I don't go for rank 4s as often as you'd imagine because the amount of damage you can splash down out of nowhere can be enough to OTK without needing to Xyz at all, especially if people just pass turn 1.

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I'd suggest a Diamond Crab King instead of the second 101, maybe as a Towers Out or other stuff?


Was thinking to put it in because I like that card, will probably take out the 3rd Number 7 as there's no need to have 3 really. The 101s are useful even just for the anti-destruction effects.

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Well yeah, but I mean that the deck's still constructed poorly. Excessive number of the Familiars AND Kagetokages to it all. I get the purpose and of course you'd keep Gagaga + that one spell, but I don't see other reasons for the rest of the deck being subparly built.


Also yes, thank you, I have to sheet on everything because a deck being casual doesn't excuse it being sheet. If you want to run Number 7 turbo, be my guest and I will keep that in mind and don't tell anyone to ditch the Rank 7 parts. But rest is built like sheet.

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Well yeah, but I mean that the deck's still constructed poorly. Excessive number of the Familiars AND Kagetokages to it all. I get the purpose and of course you'd keep Gagaga + that one spell, but I don't see other reasons for the rest of the deck being subparly built.


Also yes, thank you, I have to s*** on everything because a deck being casual doesn't excuse it being s***. If you want to run Number 7 turbo, be my guest and I will keep that in mind and don't tell anyone to ditch the Rank 7 parts. But rest is built like s***.


Thank you for bringing your unique brand of over-aggressive non-constructive criticism to this thread, don't know what I'd do without you.

You should really be running three gorz tbh...


It's just a card I used to absolutely hate and feel like 2 is fine, though may swap out a Kagetokage for another since I barely summon Kag anyway.

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Fine, I'll be constructive:


  • You still should run Thousand Blades at least. Running Trick Clown without it feels just wrong and there's not much reason to do so.
  • So many Familiars AND Kagetokages is definitely overkill. The same space could be spent better on a different engine to make the deck a bit more consistent/have more variety, like Challengers, or just more generically good cards.
  • Raigeki, 2 Dark Hole AND 3 Mirror Force is way too much destruction. Call of the Haunted is great in here, since it also revives Gagaga Magician for Big Eye runs.
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But Enguin's build has the fallback plan of being simply Clownblade if he doesn't draw the Rank 7 pieces. That feels better.

That's what i dont like about it. It feels like just clownblade that CAN make No.7. when playing a gimmick it's better to have a deck that DOES something.

but w/e

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Fine, I'll be constructive:


  • You still should run Thousand Blades at least. Running Trick Clown without it feels just wrong and there's not much reason to do so.
  • So many Familiars AND Kagetokages is definitely overkill. The same space could be spent better on a different engine to make the deck a bit more consistent/have more variety, like Challengers, or just more generically good cards.
  • Raigeki, 2 Dark Hole AND 3 Mirror Force is way too much destruction. Call of the Haunted is great in here, since it also revives Gagaga Magician for Big Eye runs.


  • Nah. Tricklown + anything is 2 rank 4s anyway, and then it just starts turning to actual Clownblade.
  • Disagree. Familiars are banterous and the Heroics are level 4 warriors who spam themselves. Do not see how that opens up variety. It's sufficiently consistent as is.
  • You can never have enough destruction. Will drop Soul Charge for a Call and maybe a Kag for another, but I have only made Big Eye once and prefer not to do so. When the opportunity to make it is there, usually so is the option for Number 7 and that choice is pre-made.

That's what i dont like about it. It feels like just clownblade that CAN make No.7. when playing a gimmick it's better to have a deck that DOES something.

but w/e


A deck that does nothing but make Number 7 would never get to a point where making Number 7 wins the game. There needs to be some groundwork laid down before bringing it out achieves anything.

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