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Harry Potter RP. (Application Form)

Careless Whisper

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he is my sprite:post_70257_1208095048_thumb.attach.here is the form:

name:mr starly


birthday:1st janurarey 1992.

blood status:mgic blood.




bio:i love magic i always put spells on people who are horrible and say there house is better then ours.My pet owl always visits me and i give it breakfast lunch and tea.My favourite game is quiditch and i love it.

student or teacher:student.

paintrous form:magic and spells.


aiamongais form:phionix.

broom:modiefied water blast.

wand:wood,nine inches,a reddish black dragon scale and a smooth,red pheinix feather.


pet name:wiggy.

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ummmm, lengthen the bio and your patronus form has to be an animal. And I'm sorry but you can't infuelnce your House with your Bio like that, you have to put a personality, put it in Third Person view, also, your character has to have last name and a title, like Mr. or Ms....look at the first post and read that again...then you'll get what I mean.


also, you're a 3rd year like my student characters.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest King of Games

OKay here is my entry, ill be willing to take the position of a Quidditch Captain if needed, as u said.

Name: Mr. Cameron Godfrey

Age: 16

Birthday: Janaury 22 1992

Year: That would make him a sixth year, no?

Blood Status: Half Blood (Witch mother, Muggle Father)

Bio: An intelligent youth. Cameron (often refered to as Cam) always engages problems using his cleverness and wit instead of physical prowness. His mother died not long after Cam was born. His father alwas stressed the importance of marks. His sharp mind allowed him to quickly learn the ways of the wizarding world. A world he was completly unaware of until his eleventh birthday and received his Hogwarts letter. Tall and thin, he can whip his wand quickly to cast spells with great speed. He also has some grasp on using Non-Verbal Spells. He is an unbeat individual and helpful to most.

Student or Teacher: Student

Patronus Form: Horned Owl

Wand: Maple, 11-inch, unicorn-hair core

Animagius?(Must be Year 4+):No

Broom: Cleansweep 147



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Name:Mr. Zack Ronald Dragslayer


Birthday: Oct. 10th 1994


Blood status: Pure blood (both parents alive)

bio:Zack is very interested in the Defence against the Dark arts and is extremly good at it too.His father teached him everything he knew about it. He can flick his his wand extemly fast, making him a great dueler.He is quick on his feet and a fast thinker.he is tall and skinny.

student or teacher:Student

Patronus form:cheetah

Wand:Yew Dragon heart string core 10 inches


Animagius form:Red tailed hawk

Broom:Nimbus 2010

Pet:Coyote (no name)


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