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[HS] Divine Favor

CLG Klavier

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  • 2 weeks later...

I actually definitely think that Aggro Paladin is worse than Face Hunter in terms of being "bad" for Hearthstone. While I do routinely get annoyed by Face Hunter and honestly question why anyone with any degree of taste would play the deck, especially with now, what I can't help but think is a superior version (You're essentially trading Eaglehorn Bow, the secrets and KC for this, Truesilver and Shielded Minibot) existing. Obviously, they aren't entirely parallel, Face Hunter can randomly kill you from like 15 Health, which I agree is pretty frustrating. This thing just completely ignores any sort of drawback to playing a hand vomit deck. Out of things to play? Favour. Board wipe? Favour. The card isn't really very thought provoking in general, you just dump it and draw. I'm not sure why it took so long for people to figure out it's busted, really.

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