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[MtG] Standard Elves

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4 Dwynen's Elite 

2 Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen

4 Elvish Mystic

4 Elvish Visionary

4 Gnarlroot Trapper

4 Leaf Gilder

1 Nissa, Vastwood Seer

1 Reclamation Sage

4 Shaman of the Pack

4 Sylvan Messenger


4 Chord of calling

4 Collected Company


9 Forest

4 Llanowar Wastes

4 Swamp

2 Temple of Malady

1 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth

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No collected company?

I mean I guess I could, but it feels like the deck already swarms hard enough, and I don't actually run that many things that would benefit from being grabbed by Company. Visionary I guess? Messenger is sadly CMC4 so it doesn't get through it.

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No, I think cutting Cords if right. CoCo is basically subbing in for it since it has a similar function. Cord is because when it has silver bullets to look for, something this deck doesn't really have. Also, even through its a nombo with CoCo a 2nd Dwynen seems good. I'd recommend the 3rd, but you can only have so many misses for CoCo (if you run it).

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Playing the deck for a few weeks, i've had more success with chord over coco. I'm playing 4 temur sabertooh as a more aggressive deck and a way to generate value with your ETB creatures. the 4 drop spot is pretty full so it makes coco a lot less consistent. Chording for 3 or 4 is easy enough with dywen's elite and all your mana dorks. I agree with the Rec sage mainboard. It's a good chord target. Have you tried Pharika? She's a great tool to grind out games, something this deck can struggle with.

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Yeah, I'm with Dae and Poc on this one. Getting one specific target, like Nissa to flip her, Messenger to refill the hand etc. sounds much better than getting 2 mediocre elves onto the board.


-8 spells


+2 Mesengers

+1 Dwynen

+1 Reclamation Sage


That gives me 4 free slots. Any techs?

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