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Let's get some Paper Work done! [Deskbots]


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Deskbot 006 x3

Deskbot 005 x3

Deskbot 004 x3

Deskbot 003 x3

Junk Synchron x2

Deskbot 002 x3

Deskbot 001 x3


Spells and Traps

Mystical Space Typhoon x3

Foolish Burial x1

Raigeki x1

One for One x1

Magnet Circle LV2 x2

Machine Assembly Line x3

Inferno Reckless Summon x2

Machine Duplication x2

Breakthrough Skill x2

Damage Condenser x3


Extra Deck

Deskbot Jet x2

Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x1

Prominence, the Blasting Dracoslayer x1

Clear Wing Synchro Dragon x1

Odd-Eyes Meteor Burst Dragon x1

Metaphys Horus x1

Ally of Justice Catastor x1

Armades, Keeper of the Boundaries x1

Old Entity Hastorr x1

Cyber Dragon Infinity x1

Cyber Dragon Nova x1

Gear Gigant X x1

Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer x1

Gachi Gachi Gantetsu


Changes I think I need to make:

- Cut down on the R4's and boost the synchro pool (Scar Right and either BRD or another level 6)

- Rethink the spell line-up and find a way to make the deck not-brick if I open no monsters (Chickenrace Engine is a last resort. 3 Upstarts is a Plan B. Plan A is something like RotA.)

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  You have 3 "003" that are like Damage Condenser and 3 "004" that are like Foolish Burial. Meaning, some good option to replace with Upstart (or Duality) are Foolish and 1 Condenser. If not, maybe 1-2 Machine Assembly Line and/or 1 Magnet Circle?

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-2 Magnet Circle

-2 Assembly line

-3 Damage condenser (This and the above are all pretty bad cards)

-5 Xyz (Why do you have these in here?)


+3 Upstart

+2 Trap Stun (Guarantee Pushes)

+2 Whatever (Traps? BTH and Warning or soemthing)


+1 Clausolas (Level 3 Synchro Option)

+1 Naturia Beast

+1 Naturia Barkion

+1 Moonlight BRD (or BRD, whatever you want)

+1 Level 8 (You mentioned Scar-Right)


Just my take on what to change.

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