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I've been running Gravekeeper's for a few years now and I finally got around to editing my deck with the newer cards that came in the Legacy of the Valient set, what do you guys think? 


Recruiter x1

Priestess x1

Nobleman x1

Commandant x2

Heretic x1

Descendant x2

Guard x2

Mystic Tomato x2

Spy x3

Chief x2

Shaman x2


Visionary x1

Oracle x1


Smashing Ground

Necrovalley x3

Gravekeeper's Stele x2

MST x2

Allure of Darkness x1

Dark Hole x1

Hidden Temples of Necrovalley x2


Bottomless Trap Hole x1

Torrential Tribute x1

Rite of Spirit x2

Mirror Force x1

Imperial Tombs of Necrovalley x1

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This deck has a lot of problems with it. As Goose suggested, Recruiter and Commandant need to be maxed out. You're also playing all the bad Gravekeepers. The monster lineup should be more like:


3 Spy

3 Recruiter

3 Descendant

3 Commandant

0-1 Guard

0-1 Heretic


For the Spells, you need 3 Pot of Duality. It's fantastic in this deck, since it increases consistency and you don't Special Summon a lot anyway. Also Royal Tribute is the best card in the deck, so add that. Also, take out Dark Hole for Raigeki. It is categorically better. Take out the random Smashing Ground, it is very underwhelming these days. Add a Book of Moon for the versatility.


Your Trap lineup needs work as well. You need more of them, basically. Gravekeepers revolve around control using Traps and Necrovalley. You'll want things like Fiendish Chain, Vanity's Emptiness, Mind Crush and more Mirror Force. Also 1 more Imperial Tombs, since that card can be very powerful. Hand Traps like Maxx "C" and Effect Veiler might be good as well, add any amount of either, whatever you feel you'd prefer. I would say 2 of each, since Maxx "C" is great in a deck that revolves around card advantage and Veiler is so strong against so many decks.

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