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Whirler Rogue


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Second best uncommon in the set. Only reason you pass this is if you opened an insane bomb.

Second best? I think it is basically the best, in terms of raw power level. I assume you think the strongest is Knightly Valor? Or Sentinel of the Eternal Watch?

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Second best? I think it is basically the best, in terms of raw power level. I assume you think the strongest is Knightly Valor? Or Sentinel of the Eternal Watch?

Sentinel would be first imo. More expensive but shuts the opponent down and can attack super easily. It certainly is close, but being a single white means your less committed to white and its a very reasonable card to splash for.

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Second best uncommon in the set. Only reason you pass this is if you opened an insane bomb.

I would hate draft this if I even saw it. The guy across from me, who I lost to in game 3 of the finals said the guy to his left and right passed him whirler rogues. I know the draft format is pretty new but come on, no one can be that bad that they can't see how strong this card is in limited.

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I would hate draft this if I even saw it. The guy across from me, who I lost to in game 3 of the finals said the guy to his left and right passed him whirler rogues. I know the draft format is pretty new but come on, no one can be that bad that they can't see how strong this card is in limited.

I think this can be passed since their are rares people would take over it and making your deck better is better than hating a card imo. Though if you see this 3rd you should just assume Blue is open just move in assuming it is either pack 1 or 2.

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