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Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai


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To be honest, if this show is making a claim for "best show of the season", the comedy and lewdness may not even have anything to do with it. The social commentary that the jokes and lewdness are making is beginning to astound me.



Actually ended up talking this over with a friend of mine and came to reconsider something about what they're making the grey-haired girl do. As much as her almost-rape and clear sexual harassment work towards making the point that the show seems to be going for, I think it's smart to be critical of how it's handled. While the main character is clearly under duress the entire time and does not like what is happening to him, and the scene at the end of episode 4 is actually fairly disturbing, the show still ends up passing off what is a serious topic about sexual harassment and rape as a joke.


I wonder, then, if the show could have benefitted by taking a more serious approach to these moments rather than trying to get the audience to laugh at them. I even considered for a moment if the show, based on the direction this and the last episode have gone, could have benefitted from not being a comedy in the first place. Of the two options, I think the prior would be 100% preferred, and the argument could be made that it might have been the way to go over what we have, but whatever. Important to think about these things, anyway. Food for thought.

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