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[HS] Semi-budget Control Priest

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2 Circle of Healing

2 Light of the Naaru

2 Power Word: Sheld

2 Northshire Cleric

1 Shadow Word: Pain

2 Shrinkmeister

2 Wild Pyromancer

2 Acolyte of Pain

1 Shadow Word: Death

2 Injured Blademaster

2 Velen's Chosen

1 Shadow Madness

2 Auchenai Soulpriest

1 Loatheb

2 Sludge Belcher

1 Lightbomb

2 Cabal Shadow Priest

1 Sylvanas Windrunner


It's been generally running pretty well, relatively consistent, but making a lategame push without Ysera is problematic, so once you fall behind a little bit, unless you steal a Ragnaros or something with Thoughtsteal, it's kinda hard to bounce back up. Also I'm considering a Holy Nova to still have 2 boardwipes, despite lack of 2nd Lightbomb.

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2 Loatheb seems like a little too many.


Can't say I particularly agree with the inclusion of 2 Shadow Madness, 1 is usually the right number to be playing in a deck like this.

No Velens or Chows also seems wrong, especially Chow in a Circle oriented variant.

2 SW: Death is also probably way too many.

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2 Loatheb seems like a little too many.


Can't say I particularly agree with the inclusion of 2 Shadow Madness, 1 is usually the right number to be playing in a deck like this.

No Velens or Chows also seems wrong, especially Chow in a Circle oriented variant.

2 SW: Death is also probably way too many.



Yeah, that's fair. It was a bit cloggy quite often.

Eeeeeeh, to be quite honest, as stupid as it sounds, I really wasn't a fan of Chow in here. I generally have mixed feelings about it, I know it's good, but it's usually been in a kinda strange spot for me, it never seems to work out well.

That's fair.


So -1 Madness and -1 SWD frees up 2 slots. Also I already cut a Belcher for Holy Nova, so I could possibly add in the Chows, or add in Velen's and swap Thoughtsteal for Acolyte of Pain for more reliable draw, as opposed to getting random things.

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