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[#AmazingMasterpiece] Training in order to beat you all !


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I realised that I told Night when he asked for SOTW return that I would participate... but I totally forget... :O

That's why I decided to train in order not to be as ridiculous as Tormey -jk, your last one was pretty kewl dope- ridiculous.

And then, I suddenly realised that I did not do anything with Ps or Gimp for a while (except 94x94 avatars -_- ) !  :'(


Anyway, here's a sheet I want you to CnC, guys !




Have a nice day !

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Personally don't like this piece, colours aren't very coherent and different parts are catching my eyes


Thanks for your comment !


yep, that left part adds a focal point that should not be there  :S

but I thought colours were okay  :'(

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Needs darker areas.


As a beginning tip: Things in the foreground are always darker (lets say 70-85% grey). Things in the background are always lighter because as you go further into the distance their is something called "atmospheric perspective" or "atmospheric depth". (lets say 30% grey) Things in the midground are in between. The midground is usually where the action happens so I'd suggest focusing on that. (lets say 50-60% grey).


If you decide to put something in the foreground, darken it and give it some blur. It depends on what you want tbh. Think of it as a camera lens. If the aperture is low (1.4/f) then your focal point will be the only thing with understandable/clear shapes. The bg will have a bokeh effect and the foreground will be blurred to the point you can't really make out what the object/shape is. If the aperture is high (3.5 and above) a lot of things are clear and you'll be able to make out most of the foreground and background.


Shallow depth (3.5>) works with artworks that explore more than just a portrait.

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Filter > Liquify 



Looks very nice but I personnally never did cool stuff using Liquify  :/

I always try to add more and more, and then it becomes real crap, when I use it  xD


I have a lot to train :'(


And thanks for your comment !

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