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How about a music box?

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So first of all, I wanna introduce a Music Box

At the right side of a screen. There is a small rectangle. That is the list of the songs.

Once you click the song. It will play at the left side and thats the button when you need to pause.

Songs should be alphabetically arranged.

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Seriously? Opening then searching 3 times plus buffering when auto high advanced HD is easier? Why don't just make a music list. A search bar. Click on it. And it plays? That's what's awesome about music boxes.


That's what playlists are for.

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As already mentioned, if you want to listen to music while accessing YCM, then open Youtube or something in a side tab.

It's a lot easier than having to figure out what the majority of YCM likes to listen to, and compile it all into a box.


(Also would strain the server a lot more than needed)


To be frank, even updating the card maker has priority over this (and YCMaker is pretty much dead at this point, mind you).


Or you can just ask one of us to give you profile music, so you can listen to whatever you want (provided you have points).

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