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My Zombie Deck


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im going to be honest with you and well your deck is pretty bad

the only good cards that you have are goblin zombie, zombie master, foolish burial and book of life

if this a deck for real life with cards that you have and you cant buy more cards then we really cant help you

if it is for real life and you can buy more.cards and are planning to go to tournaments or locals or if this is for duelingnetwork then you will need change the deck a lot

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I feel like you spent too much time coping your IRL deck. While its nice to do that, its not going to get you very far on DN. Like, you aren't using most of your extra deck and there is zero reason for that to be true.


Also, general rule, don't go over 40 cards in deck building and play the full amount of your best cards (1 Zombie Master is very wrong). I recommend looking at how other people build decks and going from there.

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You know, TC, typically 3x Zombie Master, 3x Mezuki, and 3x Goblin Zombie is a decent start for Zombies.dek


I feel like you spent too much time coping your IRL deck. While its nice to do that, its not going to get you very far on DN. Like, you aren't using most of your extra deck and there is zero reason for that to be true.


Also, general rule, don't go over 40 cards in deck building and play the full amount of your best cards (1 Zombie Master is very wrong). I recommend looking at how other people build decks and going from there.

Flame, are you feeling ok? You don't ever really post outside of Videogames.
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Zombies are my IRL competitive Deck that I've played for almost a year now, and I'll tell you the deck is far different than what this build is. You need to pick an aspect of Zombies and focus on it.




My line-up is:


3 zombie master

2 goblin zombie

3 mezuki

3 unizombie

1 zephyros

1 Armageddon knight

1 Plaguespreader


And you can kind of go from there. There's plenty of different ways to build Zombies but I find the

Synchro variant most effective.

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You know, TC, typically 3x Zombie Master, 3x Mezuki, and 3x Goblin Zombie is a decent start for Zombies.dek


Flame, are you feeling ok? You don't ever really post outside of Videogames.

I played Zombies back when I was still a Yugi player and the title kind of told me what to expect in this thread. My expectation was met and then some.


And I post in Other TCG and Miscellaneous a fair bit. Its just, when a large chunk of the forum is for a game I don't play anymore its hard to post in other places.

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