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Fun deck


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this deck is just what it says,its a fun deck.i made it for the little kids around my area of town to play against and if they can beat it in a full round i use one of my better decks,but anyways i want to know what you all think of this deck and what i could do to make it a little better,but not by much more.remember this deck was made for the little kids in my area of town


monsters 25


zombyra the dark x2

luster dragon x2

archfiend soldier

E-Hero noes alius x2

gemini elf

alien shocktrooper x2

D-Hero plasma

spear dragon

steamroid x2

sea serpent warrior of darkness x3

ninja grandmaster sasuke x3

chiron the mage

hysteric fairy

D.D. warrior lady

exiled force

spear cretin


spells 15


big bang shot x2

Baou x2

share the pain



dark hole

change of heart

the shallow grave

snatch steal

graceful charity

brain control


hand destruction


traps 10


good goblin housekeeping x3

call of the haunted

threatening roar

trap hole x2

flashbang x3

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this deck is just what it says' date='its a fun deck.i made it for the little kids around my area of town to play against and if they can beat it in a full round i use one of my better decks,but anyways i want to know what you all think of this deck and what i could do to make it a little better,but not by much more.remember this deck was made for the little kids in my area of town


monsters 25


zombyra the dark x2

luster dragon x2

archfiend soldier

E-Hero noes alius x2

gemini elf

alien shocktrooper x2

D-Hero plasma

spear dragon

steamroid x2

sea serpent warrior of darkness x3

ninja grandmaster sasuke x3

chiron the mage

hysteric fairy

D.D. warrior lady

exiled force

spear cretin


spells 15


big bang shot x2

Baou x2

share the pain



dark hole

change of heart

the shallow grave

snatch steal

graceful charity

brain control


hand destruction


traps 10


good goblin housekeeping x3

call of the haunted

threatening roar

trap hole x2

flashbang x3



This deck is crap.

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noah321 you spelled deck wrong and since your dueling little kids and torturing them by beating them in duels to much a fun deck you should add kid cards such as marshmallon,the gadgets and silent swordsman cards or maybe just toons. :)

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