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I wanna play this game again. [Seraph Shaddolls]

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alt title: I'm bad; send help


Second sided Shek is for when I side the Maxx C in. Or something.


Sided MST/Cyclone are mostly random and to test which is better while I git gud again.


Double Delteros is to give the deck more offensive pressure, which is apparently a problem with Shads? Might be redundant due to the Seraph engine in general, but I'm not sure.


I've been out of the loop for a while so these choices are probably terrible.

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Your Shaddoll main deck lineup should be more like:
3 Beast (best one)

2 Dragon

2 Falco

1-2 Hedgehog

2-3 Squamata


and you should be running no more than 11 Shaddoll monsters.


I'm not a fan of Thunder King in the Seraph build. With 3 Math, 3 Scepter and quite often wanting to normal set Falco or tribute set Beast, you're not gonna want to summon him a lot. By all means side deck him though, he still beats Nekroz to death.


Foolish is always very underwhelming, I find. You would always rather trigger your Shaddoll effects some other way.


This gives you space to add 3 Call of the Haunted. The card is excellent in the Seraph build and helps you get 3-mats out just by drawing it and a Stick.


As for the Extra Deck, there's a lot missing. Take out Arcanite and either Black Rose or Clear Wing (I'd say Clear Wing) and add a Leo and an Anoyatyllis. Leo is essential as you can summon him off Falco + Construct (one of the most common fields) and get back a Fusion Spell/Core and make plays. Anoyatillis can be made easily with Core and Nekroz scoop to it. Also, take out Dweller and the second Delteros for an Evilswarm Ouroboros and a Stellarknight Constellar Diamond. The former is an excellent 3-mat to go to and can help out a lot of problem cards and just generally put you very far ahead. Diamond is a Delteros upgrade after you've blown a couple of cards up and wins you the mirror match. It's also pretty good against BA.


Lastly, try and find room in the side for a couple of Denko. Take out the Shek and the third Lancea, I'd say. Then if you need room for Thunder King, take out Galaxy Cyclones and add the third MST.

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I'd keep the third Sov. You can test to see which you prefer, but I've tried it with both two and three and I find three to be best because it lets you push through your Seraph plays easier.


As Klav said, you only need 1 Delteros when you also have Ouroboros for 3-mats. You still need to add Anoyatyllis.


Other than that, you could try finding space for a Mind Control. The card is great in every matchup, particularly Nekroz. Also, it's an out to Diamond, which screws you over a lot of the time. Maybe take out a Veiler or a Shadow Games, I don't find three of either to be necessary, but it's preference really.

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