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Diabound set


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Hi guys, dark_bakura here.


This is my finished set. Just finished some minor adjustments and fine details today, hopefully you guys can't flaw 'em (but I know that ain't gonna happen).


Please keep in mind these cards are based of the tv show, and what I think they'd be like in card forms. You might think they're over-powered, personally I think they're underpowered. I mean this creature wooped butt against the greatest spirit caller dudes in Egypt. AND... it went toe to toe with the gods and came out alive, with the exception of his battle with Ra of course. But they all add up to something in the end, the great god or darkness!


Anyways, here they are:




Diabound Colonel. This is exactly the same as the card that Bakura used against Kaiba atop Kaiba Corp builing.




The first form seen in ancient Egypt times. This is where he was boosted up from taking Blue-Eyes' powers.




The form he took after he went against Obelisk.




The form he took after Mahaad (Dark Magician) went suicidal and tried to kamikaze Diabound.




The form he took after his battle with Slifer.




His final form, achieved when Thief King Bakura absorbed the Souls of Kul Elna.




A Dark Spirits of Kul Elna card, effect based off the tv show.




Millennium Stone, needed to bring the Dark One out. It costs...




The dark one, Zorc Necrophades himself. Yes over-powered, but think about it guys. The three Egyptian God Cards attacking all at once couldn't beat him... only Horakhty did. Anyway this card can be beaten by a single Egyptian God Card.




Magus, servant of Zorc. A quick way to bring Zorc back if need be. Plus Magus is an alright monster by himself, seeing as he was strong on the anime.



So there ya have it. Why I made these cards? Cause Diabound rocks!


Over-powered, maybe... but it takes time to get each one out, and really, what's the chance of keeping 'em all alive until the last one comes out in one duel... very slim.


So yeah, tell me what ya think!


Credits to youtube for all the pics!

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its nice i like the idiea expend it to more cards. even if not with diabound


I was thinking about putting more into this set. There was a fusion between Diabound and some Flying Eyeball monster which created Diabound with a huge eye in its chest. I was thinking a cool effect would be like "once per turn you may look at your opponents hand and send 1 of their cards to the graveyard" but I couldn't find a decent pic... yet :P


But I was thinking of using some more monsters of Bakura's he used in the ancient times, like the skull turtle thing, and the bird who ripped up seto's dragon in the temple.... but yeah it does need some more i agree, this was just the diabound set by itself.

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Credits to "overheat" for these three cards, as he said to expand this set a little more.


This completes this Diabound set, (which is more really an ancient egyptian Bakura set lol), as these are all the cards based off the monsters from ancient Bakura, (except Falcos who happens to be a real card! :|).




The Flying Eyeball... Used twice by Bakura if I'm not mistaken.




The fusion (thanks to the Millennium Scales) between Diabound Form 5 and Flying Eyeball... similar effect.




Skeleton Fiend, who protected the Millennium Stone. This card version of him protects your monsters.

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here i am again my friend for help.

i like the cards i really do but the fusion must have a diffrent effect.


do you want to expend more with non diabound pics ??


haha ok ok what kinda effect have you got in mind. and what other pics ya thinking about? like magic and trap's?

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about effects. lets take something from both.

"choose one card in your oppnents hand. if the choosen card is a monster card increase this monster's ATK equal to half of the orignal ATK points of the choosen card. if spell or trap send it to the graveyard. "


thats the effect. just work and change my OCG cuz i didnt really take time in making it look like a real effect. so have a blast with this effect

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The first image lacks quality


I agree with you there, but thats the best quality of that picture i could find!


And to overheat... I will use that effect cause that aint too bad. Or how about this one:


Select at random, one card in your opponent's hand. If that card is a monster card, you may either increase this card's ATK by half of the selected monster's, or send the selected card to the Graveyard. If the card is a Magic or Trap Card, return that card to your opponent's Deck, your opponent then must shuffle his/her Deck.

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These cards are really nice! You are a true Bakura Fan :P


A few things I noticed is that Zorc Necrophades doesn't take any battle damage, so that already means he can't be destroyed in battle. Then why did you say again that he can't be destroyed by battle, and why did you name all the attributes?

Also, Magus's effect will result in him being sent to the grave, and then nothing happens, because Zorc Necrophades can only be summoned by "Millenium Stone", not by Magus. Either change Zorc Necrophades's text so that he can be summoned in 2 ways, or write "Ignoring the summoning conditions" on Magus.


But it's a very good set anyways.

10/10 ;)

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These cards are really nice! You are a true Bakura Fan :P


A few things I noticed is that Zorc Necrophades doesn't take any battle damage' date=' so that already means he can't be destroyed in battle. Then why did you say again that he can't be destroyed by battle, and why did you name all the attributes?

Also, Magus's effect will result in him being sent to the grave, and then nothing happens, because Zorc Necrophades can only be summoned by "Millenium Stone", not by Magus. Either change Zorc Necrophades's text so that he can be summoned in 2 ways, or write "Ignoring the summoning conditions" on Magus.


But it's a very good set anyways.

10/10 ;)



Hey buddy. I see what ya mean there. Magus should state "ignoring any summoning conditions". I'll do that asap!


Also, I done some research and turns out battle damage is ONLY the difference in attack points, for example 3000 vs 2400, battle damage is 600. If I only place the battle damage part in, it would mean he can be destroyed in battle, battle damage does not include whether or not the monster is destroyed. For example:

http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Five-Headed_Dragon read his effect, it states the same.


Here's a couple of other things to help:


http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Damage#Battle_Damage (my monster isnt taking the battle damage, my life points are, thats why it states this card does not receive battle damage, meaning my life points are unharmed from a stronger monster attacking zorc)


http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Destroyed_by_Battle (see the difference?)


And all the attributes are named so the duelists know that Zorc can only take battle damage, and can only be destroyed by a divine-type monster.


Read it again. "This card does not take any Battle Damage, and cannot be destroyed by battle with a LIGHT, DARK, EARTH, WIND, WATER or FIRE monster."

Meaning, if a Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon, at 5600 ATK, attacked Zorc at 5000 ATK, he wouldnt take the 600 point difference (battle damage), and would remain on the field (cannot be destroyed in battle with a light monster).


See the difference? Don't worry mate I thought that same thing but we were wrong lol. Battle damage and being destroyed in battle ARE two different things.


Updated Magus:



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These cards are really nice! You are a true Bakura Fan :P


A few things I noticed is that Zorc Necrophades doesn't take any battle damage' date=' so that already means he can't be destroyed in battle. Then why did you say again that he can't be destroyed by battle, and why did you name all the attributes?

Also, Magus's effect will result in him being sent to the grave, and then nothing happens, because Zorc Necrophades can only be summoned by "Millenium Stone", not by Magus. Either change Zorc Necrophades's text so that he can be summoned in 2 ways, or write "Ignoring the summoning conditions" on Magus.


But it's a very good set anyways.

10/10 ;)



Hey buddy. I see what ya mean there. Magus should state "ignoring any summoning conditions". I'll do that asap!


Also, I done some research and turns out battle damage is ONLY the difference in attack points, for example 3000 vs 2400, battle damage is 600. If I only place the battle damage part in, it would mean he can be destroyed in battle, battle damage does not include whether or not the monster is destroyed. For example:

http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Five-Headed_Dragon read his effect, it states the same.


Here's a couple of other things to help:


http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Damage#Battle_Damage (my monster isnt taking the battle damage, my life points are, thats why it states this card does not receive battle damage, meaning my life points are unharmed from a stronger monster attacking zorc)


http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Destroyed_by_Battle (see the difference?)


And all the attributes are named so the duelists know that Zorc can only take battle damage, and can only be destroyed by a divine-type monster.


Read it again. "This card does not take any Battle Damage, and cannot be destroyed by battle with a LIGHT, DARK, EARTH, WIND, WATER or FIRE monster."

Meaning, if a Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon, at 5600 ATK, attacked Zorc at 5000 ATK, he wouldnt take the 600 point difference (battle damage), and would remain on the field (cannot be destroyed in battle with a light monster).


See the difference? Don't worry mate I thought that same thing but we were wrong lol. Battle damage and being destroyed in battle ARE two different things.


Updated Magus:




Ok, naming all the attributes makes sense, and good OCG (Since FGD also names all attributes but LIGHT). But one thing that still confuses me, is that the last sentence of FGD is "(Battle Damage is still inflicted to players.)". So if "This card does not take any Battle Damage" means that you take no damage, then it is there for no reason, because Battle Damage is still inflicted, and if it means that the monster can't be destroyed by battle, then "and cannot be destroyed by battle with an EARTH, WATER, FIRE, WIND, or DARK monster." is there for no reason, since he couldn't be destroyed in battle anyways.


Also, the old version of Waboku said "Any damage inflicted by an opponent's monster is decreased to 0 during the turn this card is activated." while the new one says "New Card Lore: You take no Battle Damage this turn. Your monsters cannot be destroyed as a result of battle this turn.". If these 2 mean the same, then making damage to a monster 0 means that he can't be destroyed in battle. So it's really unclear what "This card does not take any Battle Damage" actually means.


Know what, screw FGD, screw Waboku, I'd recommend you make it "Battle Damage to the controller of a this monster from a battle involving this monster becomes 0.". That's the text written on The Sanctuary in the Sky but "Fairy-Type" is changed to "this" :)

This is clearer, and ensures a good OCG.


Btw, the updated Magus still doesn't include "Ignoring the summoning conditions", it's just the same card. Sure it was the right image you uploaded?

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These cards are really nice! You are a true Bakura Fan :P


A few things I noticed is that Zorc Necrophades doesn't take any battle damage' date=' so that already means he can't be destroyed in battle. Then why did you say again that he can't be destroyed by battle, and why did you name all the attributes?

Also, Magus's effect will result in him being sent to the grave, and then nothing happens, because Zorc Necrophades can only be summoned by "Millenium Stone", not by Magus. Either change Zorc Necrophades's text so that he can be summoned in 2 ways, or write "Ignoring the summoning conditions" on Magus.


But it's a very good set anyways.

10/10 ;)



Hey buddy. I see what ya mean there. Magus should state "ignoring any summoning conditions". I'll do that asap!


Also, I done some research and turns out battle damage is ONLY the difference in attack points, for example 3000 vs 2400, battle damage is 600. If I only place the battle damage part in, it would mean he can be destroyed in battle, battle damage does not include whether or not the monster is destroyed. For example:

http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Five-Headed_Dragon read his effect, it states the same.


Here's a couple of other things to help:


http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Damage#Battle_Damage (my monster isnt taking the battle damage, my life points are, thats why it states this card does not receive battle damage, meaning my life points are unharmed from a stronger monster attacking zorc)


http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Destroyed_by_Battle (see the difference?)


And all the attributes are named so the duelists know that Zorc can only take battle damage, and can only be destroyed by a divine-type monster.


Read it again. "This card does not take any Battle Damage, and cannot be destroyed by battle with a LIGHT, DARK, EARTH, WIND, WATER or FIRE monster."

Meaning, if a Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon, at 5600 ATK, attacked Zorc at 5000 ATK, he wouldnt take the 600 point difference (battle damage), and would remain on the field (cannot be destroyed in battle with a light monster).


See the difference? Don't worry mate I thought that same thing but we were wrong lol. Battle damage and being destroyed in battle ARE two different things.


Updated Magus:




Ok, naming all the attributes makes sense, and good OCG (Since FGD also names all attributes but LIGHT). But one thing that still confuses me, is that the last sentence of FGD is "(Battle Damage is still inflicted to players.)". So if "This card does not take any Battle Damage" means that you take no damage, then it is there for no reason, because Battle Damage is still inflicted, and if it means that the monster can't be destroyed by battle, then "and cannot be destroyed by battle with an EARTH, WATER, FIRE, WIND, or DARK monster." is there for no reason, since he couldn't be destroyed in battle anyways.


Also, the old version of Waboku said "Any damage inflicted by an opponent's monster is decreased to 0 during the turn this card is activated." while the new one says "New Card Lore: You take no Battle Damage this turn. Your monsters cannot be destroyed as a result of battle this turn.". If these 2 mean the same, then making damage to a monster 0 means that he can't be destroyed in battle. So it's really unclear what "This card does not take any Battle Damage" actually means.


Know what, screw FGD, screw Waboku, I'd recommend you make it "Battle Damage to the controller of a this monster from a battle involving this monster becomes 0.". That's the text written on The Sanctuary in the Sky but "Fairy-Type" is changed to "this" :)

This is clearer, and ensures a good OCG.


Btw, the updated Magus still doesn't include "Ignoring the summoning conditions", it's just the same card. Sure it was the right image you uploaded?


Bloody long post this will turn out to be. I agree to that idea, stating that no battle damage will come to the controller of Zorc. It makes more sence.


And I agree with the new cards being different to the old cards... I don't get it. The newer cards and the older cards totally contradict each other... I'm sure I'm still going off the originals lol.


And yeah... Magus is different. It says "ignoring any summoning conditions." at the very end... I can see it (confused now!).


So for everyone's sake, I'll change Zorc now.


And to "oplo", cheers buddy, I was considering making a deck based around this, like including the cards Bakura used against little Yugi, e.g. Necro Mannequin, Necro Soldier, Necro Jar... seeing as none of his cool cards are real :(


Now, I hope this updated Zorc won't be confusing anymore. I worded the battle damage effect so everyone should know exactly what it means. Tell me if it works:




Updated All-Seeing Diabound, with new effect. I had to keep the original Diabound effect sorry, it just didn't look/feel right without it. No points just increasing your attack once with the effect of selecting a card in your opponent's hand. He needed the original effect as well.



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These cards are really nice! You are a true Bakura Fan :P


A few things I noticed is that Zorc Necrophades doesn't take any battle damage' date=' so that already means he can't be destroyed in battle. Then why did you say again that he can't be destroyed by battle, and why did you name all the attributes?

Also, Magus's effect will result in him being sent to the grave, and then nothing happens, because Zorc Necrophades can only be summoned by "Millenium Stone", not by Magus. Either change Zorc Necrophades's text so that he can be summoned in 2 ways, or write "Ignoring the summoning conditions" on Magus.


But it's a very good set anyways.

10/10 ;)



Hey buddy. I see what ya mean there. Magus should state "ignoring any summoning conditions". I'll do that asap!


Also, I done some research and turns out battle damage is ONLY the difference in attack points, for example 3000 vs 2400, battle damage is 600. If I only place the battle damage part in, it would mean he can be destroyed in battle, battle damage does not include whether or not the monster is destroyed. For example:

http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Five-Headed_Dragon read his effect, it states the same.


Here's a couple of other things to help:


http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Damage#Battle_Damage (my monster isnt taking the battle damage, my life points are, thats why it states this card does not receive battle damage, meaning my life points are unharmed from a stronger monster attacking zorc)


http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Destroyed_by_Battle (see the difference?)


And all the attributes are named so the duelists know that Zorc can only take battle damage, and can only be destroyed by a divine-type monster.


Read it again. "This card does not take any Battle Damage, and cannot be destroyed by battle with a LIGHT, DARK, EARTH, WIND, WATER or FIRE monster."

Meaning, if a Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon, at 5600 ATK, attacked Zorc at 5000 ATK, he wouldnt take the 600 point difference (battle damage), and would remain on the field (cannot be destroyed in battle with a light monster).


See the difference? Don't worry mate I thought that same thing but we were wrong lol. Battle damage and being destroyed in battle ARE two different things.


Updated Magus:




Ok, naming all the attributes makes sense, and good OCG (Since FGD also names all attributes but LIGHT). But one thing that still confuses me, is that the last sentence of FGD is "(Battle Damage is still inflicted to players.)". So if "This card does not take any Battle Damage" means that you take no damage, then it is there for no reason, because Battle Damage is still inflicted, and if it means that the monster can't be destroyed by battle, then "and cannot be destroyed by battle with an EARTH, WATER, FIRE, WIND, or DARK monster." is there for no reason, since he couldn't be destroyed in battle anyways.


Also, the old version of Waboku said "Any damage inflicted by an opponent's monster is decreased to 0 during the turn this card is activated." while the new one says "New Card Lore: You take no Battle Damage this turn. Your monsters cannot be destroyed as a result of battle this turn.". If these 2 mean the same, then making damage to a monster 0 means that he can't be destroyed in battle. So it's really unclear what "This card does not take any Battle Damage" actually means.


Know what, screw FGD, screw Waboku, I'd recommend you make it "Battle Damage to the controller of a this monster from a battle involving this monster becomes 0.". That's the text written on The Sanctuary in the Sky but "Fairy-Type" is changed to "this" :)

This is clearer, and ensures a good OCG.


Btw, the updated Magus still doesn't include "Ignoring the summoning conditions", it's just the same card. Sure it was the right image you uploaded?


Bloody long post this will turn out to be. I agree to that idea, stating that no battle damage will come to the controller of Zorc. It makes more sence.


And I agree with the new cards being different to the old cards... I don't get it. The newer cards and the older cards totally contradict each other... I'm sure I'm still going off the originals lol.


And yeah... Magus is different. It says "ignoring any summoning conditions." at the very end... I can see it (confused now!).


So for everyone's sake, I'll change Zorc now.


And to "oplo", cheers buddy, I was considering making a deck based around this, like including the cards Bakura used against little Yugi, e.g. Necro Mannequin, Necro Soldier, Necro Jar... seeing as none of his cool cards are real :(


Now, I hope this updated Zorc won't be confusing anymore. I worded the battle damage effect so everyone should know exactly what it means. Tell me if it works:




Updated All-Seeing Diabound, with new effect. I had to keep the original Diabound effect sorry, it just didn't look/feel right without it. No points just increasing your attack once with the effect of selecting a card in your opponent's hand. He needed the original effect as well.




Wow, all the text that's being quoted is huge.


Well, I'm sorry, the new Magus indeed does say "Ignoring the Summoning Conditions", I must've looked at the old one or something.


And for the new Zorc Necrophades, I can't see it :(

Nvm, that was before I started this post. But right now I can see it, it's all ok.

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a few ocg errors and some of the effects make them overpowered' date=' but overall 7.5/10



Hey buddy, what are the OCG errors that you can see?


And you reckon they're over-powered? I don't see how, I mean the egpyptian form 1 Diabound was equal with Obelisk. In turn, saying that would mean the next forms are stonger then Obelisk, with the form 5 being beyond any god as form 3 gained strength from Slifer to get to form 4...


But yeah lol they might be over-powered. I based them off of the anime, and in the anime it was strong but yeah.



And thank god Magus and Zorc are ok now. It's amazing actually how much text you can fit into the little box of those cards!


Updated Diabound Colonel, new pic (still blurry but no annoying squares!). You wouldn't believe how hard it was to get this pic lol





New Trap





New Spell



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They are pretty good cards. I can tell you put a lot of work into them. A lot of them say Magic Card, but it should be Spell Card. Otherwise, I didn't see any major errors that needed noting. It certainly is an interesting set, and I can see more great things coming from you in the future :D


overall - 12.89/13.69 ^_^

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Hey yeah all of 'em say Magic Cards... mainly cause I'm still back in the time they were Magic Cards... you know... when Monster Reborn and Change of Heart were really rare cards!


Anyways thanks for the nice comments guys!


Three new cards for y'all:


Meditation of Dark Spirits... Boosts Diabound's main effect.





Revival from the Darkness... Diabound's own Monster Reborn, except with a cost.





Sealing Stone Tablet... a trap that helps in case you only have the weaker Diabound's out.



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