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[Hearthstone] The Grand Tournament!

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It's an engine card. On paper it's broken as sheet. The more demon synergy or self-sack things we get, the more broken this will be.


Infinite sack engines are broken as sheet in MTG, and they will be here as well. There's just not much atm to abuse this with. Though even something as stupid as protecting a Cult Master behind a taunt and ramming this into something turn by turn sounds workable on paper.

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There isn't anything that even wants it though. It's a shame too because this was the card I was most hyped for since it's a Yeti... Ah well, at least it keeps with the trend of Yeti having the best stats for it's mana cost.


EDIT: Okay, but that Warrior card is all kinds of disgusting.

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I can't see Icehowl being run, it's a big finisher card that can't be used as a finisher. If you want to use it to trade and remove something big, there are cheaper removal cards that can do it better.


But that Warrior card... GPW just found a new friend, maybe.

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So basically the yeti has king krush syndrome?


Well, the yeti is much better than king krush will ever be because it has way better value in its stats and I would probably run it in my druid deck if I ever got it just cus its a 10/10 for 9 with charge which is freaking amazing.

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  On 8/11/2015 at 11:30 AM, TheLocalSpinda said:

So basically the yeti has king krush syndrome?

Well, the yeti is much better than king krush will ever be because it has way better value in its stats and I would probably run it in my druid deck if I ever got it just cus its a 10/10 for 9 with charge which is freaking amazing.

At least King Krush can actually finish games though.

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  On 8/11/2015 at 11:58 AM, TheLocalSpinda said:

True but that gets weaker every set when new hunter stuff comes out cus it gets less and less likely.

While it becomes less plausible, it's still a possibility. Neither of these cards will see play by their actual cards, but King Krush is better because there's always the chance that you'll get it from Webspinner.

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  On 8/11/2015 at 12:00 PM, C.C. said:

While it becomes less plausible, it's still a possibility. Neither of these cards will see play by their actual cards, but King Krush is better because there's always the chance that you'll get it from Webspinner.

I just wish that the yetis were counted as beasts for druid shenanigans tho. Cus it has 10/10 stats and can't hit the face its less likely it'll be the biggest threat on the board cus it can only remove 1 minion a turn,so it would stick around longer for druid of the fang etc to go in to effect maybe.

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