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I'm not that shocked that she was only around for the one (technically two) episode. She was trapped in one of Rose's bubbles and stored in Lion for a reason. Something was going to go wrong. It just too long enough for the Gems to get there upgrade. Which, when you think about it, is kind of meh. But writing around Bismuth was solid.

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You really need to watch the ep twice to really get the full scope of it, since Bismuth's reactions take on a whole new meaning once you've learned the truth.


Although, it IS good that her appearance was brief. I mean, if Lapis saw her, Beach City would be leveled in five minutes flat.

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I mean, I understand why Bismuth was brought in, to give the Crystal Gems upgrades to their weapons and provide some backstory, but~~~~


The writing based around her was just way too good. I loved how she interacted with the Crystal Gems she knew and the ones she didn't. Not to mention, like 

Broken said, Bismuth was most likely the one who poofed Lapis- that leads to a whole slew of things that could go on in the show.


But, nope. An excuse to upgrade and exposition.


They kept Peridot.

They kept Lapis Lazuli.

I'm pretty damn sure they're going to kept Jasper.


Why is Bismuth the one left out?

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Because Bismuth has become a volatile, homicidal Knight Templar who has been shown to be completely incapable of reasoning with. Bismuth WANTED to reignite the Gem War just so she could go on a murderous rampage with the Breaking Point. Those might make for good reasons as to why she should remain bubbled.


And for all we know, Jasper will be the same, since she's too far gone to be in any ways reasoned with.

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It's not that she's irredeemable, it's just that she's too unstable and dangerous. She actively TRIED to kill Steven simply because he disagreed with her like Rose did. And it's possible that she'll grow more unstable and dangerous if she's allowed to be active for longer. And who knows what her next victim will be, now that the Crystal Gems know more of her true nature. What if she saw Lapis and Peridot, Homeworld gems? Now while Peri IS an official Crystal Gem now, there is her history with Lapis. And given how vindictive Lapis is, imagine if she came at a head with the person RESPONSIBLE for her millennia of suffering. The carnage will be immense as the two actively TRY to kill each other.


Bismuth isn't irredeemable, she's just too dangerous to be in active duty, as she could very easily turn on her own allies.

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Kingdom and I were discussing the possibility of Jasper fusing with a gem beast, and I called that her doing so would result in her own corruption.


PS, Smoky Quartz has some very Sardonyx traits to her. (Also her figuring out her name may signify that Amethyst had never fused with Rose, who would have made Smoky themselves. (I could be wrong about that mind.) Also hype for Rainbow Quartz coming back if Steven fuses with Pearl.)


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  On 8/8/2016 at 6:55 AM, Broke. N said:

Bismuth isn't irredeemable, she's just too dangerous to be in active duty, as she could very easily turn on her own allies.


True, true. If anything I still feel like this isn't the last we've seen of her, or Jasper.


  On 8/9/2016 at 2:07 AM, Flame Dragon said:

Interested to know what happened with Pink Diamond.


Isn't that the million dollar question . . . .

(My bet is that she became Lion)


  On 8/9/2016 at 2:27 AM, Sixty said:

smoky quartz hype

  On 8/9/2016 at 2:33 AM, Broke. N said:

Smoky Quartz has some very Sardonyx traits to her.


I figure because that's more of Amethyst's portion of the fusion.


  On 8/9/2016 at 2:33 AM, Broke. N said:

Also her figuring out her name may signify that Amethyst had never fused with Rose, who would have made Smoky themselves. (I could be wrong about that mind.)


Well we don't know if Amethyst and Rose ever fused. We've only seen her fuse once, with Pearl. So the idea that Rose + Amethyst = Smokey Quartz is 50/50.

If Steven does fuse with Pearl and becomes Rainbow Quartz then that basically 2--% guarantees that Rose had never fused with Amethyst before.



Also I seriously thought Peridot and Lapis were going to accidentally fuse when they were doing their little musical number together.

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I need moar right now


I need to know what garnet+Rose is


I need to know who crazy lace and big and snowflake are (because I konw lace is an agate, snowflake an obsidian, but who's big?)


I just need moar


EDIT: After combing the wiki and doing some googling, turns out that biggs, with 2 Gs, is a type of jasper.

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Since I never gave my thoughts on Smokey, the whole 3 arms thing is weird. Also, the fusion looks WAY different compared to the other Gem fusions. Its obvious it would have because Steven is human, but I wasn't expecting it to be as different as it was. They did a great job with it.


  On 8/9/2016 at 5:44 AM, Jake the Sage said:

True, true. If anything I still feel like this isn't the last we've seen of her, or Jasper.



Isn't that the million dollar question . . . .

(My bet is that she became Lion)

One of the nice things with them "bubbling" away problems is that it leaves the door open to explore certain plots threads down the line should they want to.


That would be.......weird. Like the only thing we can say for sure imo is that she wouldn't have killed her.


  On 8/9/2016 at 5:48 AM, Broke. N said:

Lapis is probably still too guarded when it comes to fusion, after Malachite. Still, it's nice that she has somewhat warmed up to Peridot, and that she enjoys Camp Pining Hearts.


It really is something seeing the difference in Lapis when she is with Steven vs. when she is with everyone else.


  On 8/9/2016 at 5:50 AM, Kitty w/ Bow said:

I need moar right now


I need to know what garnet+Rose is


I need to know who crazy lace and big and snowflake are (because I konw lace is an agate, snowflake an obsidian, but who's big?)


I just need moar


EDIT: After combing the wiki and doing some googling, turns out that biggs, with 2 Gs, is a type of jasper.

I feel like we'll see something of them if/when the go more into the rebellion.

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  On 8/9/2016 at 10:10 PM, Armz said:

Rubies tho:




I honestly thought the Ruby that cried, "Eyeie", was going to oust Amethyst as not being the real Jasper. Because, y'know, they were war buddies an' all.

But the way they did it was funny and true to how incredibly dumb Rubies seem to be.


  On 8/9/2016 at 10:10 PM, Armz said:

AND HOLY funking sheet, ROSE-



Makes sense. They're in a war that probably wouldn't end until either total annihilation of the opposing army or the respective leader was shattered.

Just be amazed that Rose actually managed it.


Which means one very, very important thing . . . . Diamonds aren't unkillable.

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It's neat that Peri can bubble now, and I love how few fucks Lapis gave when the bubble appeared in the barn.


Lapis: "Oh, yeah, yeah, bubbled gem" *Continues reading manga*



Also, after the past few eps, Kindergarten Kid was necessary, considering how hard Steven has been whammed. He couldn't reconcile with Bismuth, and had to poof and bubble her. Jasper rejected his help and mutated in front of him, becoming corrupt. And finally, he learned that his mother had killed a very important Gem, and he couldn't befriend Eyeball who actively tried to shank him. It's been hard on the kid, so some levity is well-appreciated methinks.

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  On 8/11/2016 at 7:54 AM, Flame Dragon said:

Anyway, Bubble was a great episode. Kindergarten Kid was not good. It felt like a Wile E. Coyote episode.


Like Broken said,

  On 8/11/2016 at 8:00 AM, Broke. N said:

After the past few episodes, "Kindergarten Kid" was necessary, considering how hard Steven has been whammed. He couldn't reconcile with Bismuth, and had to poof and bubble her. Jasper rejected his help and mutated in front of him, becoming corrupt. And finally, he learned that his mother had killed a very important Gem, and he couldn't befriend Eyeball who actively tried to shank him. It's been hard on the kid, so some levity is well-appreciated methinks.


Besides it pays very nice homage to Wile E. Coyote.


  On 8/11/2016 at 8:00 AM, Broke. N said:

It's neat that Peri can bubble now, and I love how few fucks Lapis gave when the bubble appeared in the barn.


Lapis: "Oh, yeah, yeah, bubbled gem" *Continues reading manga*


I think all Gems are naturally capable of bubbling other Gems. But yeah I initially thought when Steven said, "It goes home" he was referring back to the temple. Then when it appears back at the barn above a no-fucks-given Lapis I laughed, "Oh right! The barn is her home."

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I'm not sure if I was really feeling it. I enjoy the meta humor and it still had strong stuff in it, but the talk show bit was too much for me.


I do find it interesting that these last two episodes have been VERY different from normal. It is nice to see the show getting out of its comfort zone and doing new and weird things.

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