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Shaddoll (July 2015 format)


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Whoops! Editing title...


Iron Wall is better than Lancea against Ritual Beast, its not an anti-Nekroz side.


EDIT: Oh, and to avoid confusion, this was an edited Denko Sekka topic because I put it in the wrong section XD

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Do you really think RB will be relevant enough to side against?


Who knows? I reckon so, but its obviously early days so its hard to tell. I have enough space in the Side Deck to side for them as well as other top threats, though, so why not?

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If you're not siding for Nekroz, don't main for them, take out the Peropero since it was only really a Djinn out, and tbh you don't even need to be playing Anoyatyllis, which you can replace with a second Shek or a Dweller.

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I am siding the two Mistake for Nekroz. I reckon they'll still be relevant enough to dedicate two slots to. You're probably right about Pero and Tyllis. Not thinking I'll need two Shek, so I'll replace Tyllis with Dweller. As for Pero, I'm thinking about maybe going -1 Veiler -1 Pero +2 Maxx "C" since BA is going to be so good.

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