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Planned Parenthood sells partial-birth abortions to sell baby parts


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This is just sickening. How can people capitalize off of this? And how is this not illegal????? You can't just sell that stuff. This is pretty much organ trafficking. I even heard that these parts were bought by nestle to be used as flavor enhancers......



what do you people think of this, how can people do this sorta thing? The thing that doctor says sends shivers down my spine...

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Yeah, I'm gonna have to say I don't support this. 


What disgusts me more is that there are people arguing about this being pro-life or pro-choice instead of the thing at hand here, really.

It's too much a hot-button topic for people to not.  95% of arguments about abortion are strawmen, "look at what bastards the other guys are," things.

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Yeah, I'm gonna have to say I don't support this. 





It's too much a hot-button topic for people to not.  95% of arguments about abortion are strawmen, "look at what bastards the other guys are," things.

I realize such, I just find disapproval with it due to the fact that people argue over things that can be worried about, but are not trying to solve the issue at hand. This is something that doesn't happen a lot, but since it did, it should be addressed. There is also a time where the Pro-live  V. Pro-Abortion topic will properly be resolved, but that can be later as it has been going on for a while without any give or take.

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I realize such, I just find disapproval with it due to the fact that people argue over things that can be worried about, but are not trying to solve the issue at hand. This is something that doesn't happen a lot, but since it did, it should be addressed. There is also a time where the Pro-live  V. Pro-Abortion topic will properly be resolved, but that can be later as it has been going on for a while without any give or take.

Oh you're right, I'm just saying that unfortunately, I can't see people not throwing that argument in there.  

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I may have not stated this before, but I am pro life. Abortion was founded on anti immigrant and anti minority ideologies. The founder of Planned Parent hood was a racist. Even from an atheist standpoint I find abortion to be a terrible thing. Of course there are some instances when it may be called for like a health risk, but most of the time having a child could have been avoided. Problem is we have terrible sex education in schools, and minors are getting it on without second thought. If people where informed and measures where taken abortion wouldn't be an issue.

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Please, if you are going to post this and pretend it's fact, atleast post the entire video and not some edited hack-job made to twist the facts




Now, I have a biiiiiiiig god damn problem problem with this supposedly being "proof" that Planned Parenthood is doing this for profit, and to save you all the time it could take to notice it in the video, if it's even in there at all (since I sure dont recall spotting it) you can find it here (with some added pointers on why it's a good thing for this type of tissue to be acessible for biotech companies)



And incase you still missed what the money is for. It's specificly for shipping and handling of whatever organs or body parts being sent.

A body part is not like a letter or regular package. That shit will spoil or be destroyed really quickly unless you store it and handle it in very specific ways


I'll throw this out right here and now to get it out of the way, yes I am "Pro-choice". I believe a woman should be entirely free to decide if she should go through with the pregnancy or not.

Particularly because their own life might very well be endangered by giving birth, or they might not be able to provide a good life for said baby.

And lets not forget that faulty protection and rape are, sadly, a thing.

I would not wish it upon any woman to be forced to raise a unwanted child, particularly in the instance of rape since it still projects a aura of control over them by their rapist, but because odds are that kid will not have a even remotely good life if the parent(s) never wanted it (Yeah, parents are capable of treating their own kids like shit, particularly if they were unwanted)


And keep in mind if you deny them a legal acess to abortion, most will find other, waaaaaaay more dangerous means to be rid of that little parasite growing inside them

(The "coathanger method" is not made up outof nothing).

But there is nothing, on this earth, that pisses me off more then this entire debate, particularly because of the disturbing trend among "Pro-life" advocates to twist and manipulate facts to serve their own agenda.


I'll shot this argument in the leg right here since no one is adressing it. No one, on this earth, who deals in organ trafficking will charge $30-$100 (as it's the only "price tag" they seem to mention) regardless of what you're selling, particularly because you'll already be skimming those costs to prevent that shit from being spoiled, or even destroyed outright before it even reaches the "buyer", and how they're expressing this as "big money" is if you ask me, frankly ludacrous.


The fact that I have even minor experience in web design makes me seriously question the supposed "order" page, as there is not a shred of evidence to suggest that it exists and is acessable to the public (and it's quite alot easier then many of you think to just make a random page with those bits and then film it if you just have a little know how), because lets not forget, they had to pose as company representatives, to get this interview. They werent just random people off the street that just happened to be interested in picking up fetus body parts.


Yes there are biotech companies out there who need things like stemcells to conduct research on, but these are the type of companies you owe thanks to for the great deal of progress that's happening in the medical field, and not to mention.


The fetus will die regardless. The only alternative in this situation is that the body parts are thrown out instead of donated to organisations that can actually get some fucking use outof them.


We allow people to donate their own organs upon death (and even that is highly specific on when you can actually donate, and what you can donate). I seriously do not see the problem of the parent(s) donating the tissue and/or organs of something they never wanted to begin with, and could very well save god knows how many lives eventually if you give it to people as research material.

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Okay, I take it back.  This 100% just another pro-life vs pro-choice pissing match.  Every pro-lifer is gonna be horrified and cry about it and every pro-choicer is gonna justify it. 


There's nothing to justify. No one is making a financial profit here. This isnt a problem.

The tissue and/or body parts are being donated, not sold, and outof the reported statistics, the clear majority of all abortions performed world wide, the significant majority are performed before week 13, well before it can be classified as a late-term pregnancy and when partial-birth abortion is actually possible.


This isnt some black market operation selling "baby parts" to Joe-down-the-street, this is a ridiculously tiny minority of women that couldnt get a earlier abortion, for whatever reason, and decided that they mightaswell let help medical research maybe take some steps forward by using the remains.


In legal terms, the fetus isnt "a person" (my guess is because it's still heavily developing up untill birth), and thusly doesnt fall under the laws against trafficking human body parts. Though do not quote me on that latter bit, as I have not studied law nor medicine.

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There's nothing to justify. No one is making a financial profit here. This isnt a problem.

The tissue and/or body parts are being donated, not sold, and outof the reported statistics, the clear majority of all abortions performed world wide, the significant majority are performed before week 13, well before it can be classified as a late-term pregnancy and when partial-birth abortion is actually possible.


This isnt some black market operation selling "baby parts" to Joe-down-the-street, this is a ridiculously tiny minority of women that couldnt get a earlier abortion, for whatever reason, and decided that they mightaswell let help medical research maybe take some steps forward by using the remains.


In legal terms, the fetus isnt "a person" (my guess is because it's still heavily developing up untill birth), and thusly doesnt fall under the laws against trafficking human body parts. Though do not quote me on that latter bit, as I have not studied law nor medicine.


Believe it or not, it is possible to for people to disagree with things that are legal. 

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Believe it or not, it is possible to for people to disagree with things that are legal. 


Trust me, I'm well aware of that fact, and by all means, people are free to disagree with me.

But this is not what's happening here.


What's happening in this debate, and why it's pissing me off so much, is for the most part the so called "Pro-Life" crowd, twisting, manipulating and obfuscating facts to the point of ridiculousness to serve their own agenda, and if you ask me just in general, most of the people advocating for a ban on abortions, have no. funking. right, to be deciding what a woman should and shouldnt be allowed to do with their body, particularly since most of the people making those decisions appear guided by religious beliefs (Was "Sepparation of church and state" just a term that some countries invented to feel good about themselves, instead of, you know, sepparating church and state?), and/or are men, and thusly will never ever have to consider getting a abortion and instead can just labour under the delusion that women can just decide to get a abortion with the drop of a hat and that there wont be any reprecussions while the body recouperates. And let's not ignore that the people working for a ban on abortions are also pretty dang good at removing every single way to ensure that a unwanted child could still have a good life.


Screw the fact that the woman might die by giving birth to that kid.

Screw the fact that the woman could've gotten pregnant due to a rapist

Let's just forget about the fact that the woman maybe cant support the child

Let's just ignore that odds are the kid will have a terrible uppbringing.

Let's just forget that whenever a abortion is performed, it's for some pretty good reasons, and it's not a easy decision for those involved.

What's important is bringing that little cell mass out into a already heavily overpopulated and decaying world, am I right? (/sarcasm)


I mean, ffs. PPD is not a uncommon thing even after regular child-birth. I dare not even imagine what the body could cook up in response to what you need to put it through to abort a pregnancy





As far as I'm concerned, abortion is not a problem. And if you want to convince me that it is, or change the laws regarding it, have the decensy to tell me why it's a problem, instead of just hiding behind "The sanctity of human life" or whatever.

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If a guy is left with a kid, his wife leaves him, and he doesn't want to take care of it he's seen as a deadbeat. If a woman doesn't want to take care of a kid, "pro choice". I've seen this double standard again and again.

You're talking about a child that has already been born in this scenario. If the mother had a one night stand or was raped and it resulted in pregnancy, you cannot justify her being forced to have the child. Similarly, if the mother just dumps the kid on the father and leaves, he's really not obligated to take care of it. Adoption is always an option for a father who had a child dumped on him. Doesn't make him a deadbeat.

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All that aside, people are generally not pro-life because they want to keep women pregnant in the kitchen, but because they genuinely believe in the personhood of an unborn human fetus. As much as you may dislike it, "sanctity of human life" is not a scapegoat.

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All that aside, people are generally not pro-life because they want to keep women pregnant in the kitchen, but because they genuinely believe in the personhood of an unborn human fetus. As much as you may dislike it, "sanctity of human life" is not a scapegoat.




Trust me, I'm well aware of that fact, and by all means, people are free to disagree with me.

But this is not what's happening here.


What's happening in this debate, and why it's pissing me off so much, is for the most part the so called "Pro-Life" crowd, twisting, manipulating and obfuscating facts to the point of ridiculousness to serve their own agenda, and if you ask me just in general, most of the people advocating for a ban on abortions, have no. f***ing. right, to be deciding what a woman should and shouldnt be allowed to do with their body, particularly since most of the people making those decisions appear guided by religious beliefs (Was "Sepparation of church and state" just a term that some countries invented to feel good about themselves, instead of, you know, sepparating church and state?), and/or are men, and thusly will never ever have to consider getting a abortion and instead can just labour under the delusion that women can just decide to get a abortion with the drop of a hat and that there wont be any reprecussions while the body recouperates. And let's not ignore that the people working for a ban on abortions are also pretty dang good at removing every single way to ensure that a unwanted child could still have a good life.


Screw the fact that the woman might die by giving birth to that kid.

Screw the fact that the woman could've gotten pregnant due to a rapist

Let's just forget about the fact that the woman maybe cant support the child

Let's just ignore that odds are the kid will have a terrible uppbringing.

Let's just forget that whenever a abortion is performed, it's for some pretty good reasons, and it's not a easy decision for those involved.

What's important is bringing that little cell mass out into a already heavily overpopulated and decaying world, am I right? (/sarcasm)


I mean, ffs. PPD is not a uncommon thing even after regular child-birth. I dare not even imagine what the body could cook up in response to what you need to put it through to abort a pregnancy





As far as I'm concerned, abortion is not a problem. And if you want to convince me that it is, or change the laws regarding it, have the decensy to tell me why it's a problem, instead of just hiding behind "The sanctity of human life" or whatever.

I consider myself to be pro-life because I believe that as soon as that baby is conceived that baby is alive, and that is not someone else's body. That being said you don't see me going out and demonizing women who get abortions, you don't see me among those bigots outside abortion clinics who harass women coming out of abortion clinics. I do not want to change laws so that women can't get abortions. I want to people to explore the other options out there (like adoption and embryo freezing), especially since abortions leave can lead both mental and physical problems even when preformed correctly. You're right, my reasons may stem from my religious background, but you know what I'm entitled to my own opinion, just like you are, and just like everybody else is. I'm not trying to stop women from getting abortions, in fact I'd be willing to pay for my own daughter to get an abortion if she needed one. That doesn't mean I have to be happy about it. 

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I don't come to YCM for its heightened intellectual discourse, but this thread is just disappointing. The assertions are being made by dubious parties with overtly disgusting backgrounds and being taken seriously with folks who agree with the outcome, failing to investigate the actual premises.


I'm not even contesting whether you're pro-life or not - that's a separate argument we can have, and lol at overriding individual autonomy, but it's not what's at play here. Which of these two headlines evokes more fear and panic?





"Planned Parenthood facilitates research with consent of mothers"


There is no evil plot here, and the attempt to form a conspiracy is demonstrable of poor motives on the part of those who would seek to do so. If the ideas and arguments were so compelling, surely they wouldn't need to be backed by tactics such as these?


But another quick word on "pro-life" vs. "pro-choice" - nobody is in favor of abortions, nobody is saying "ah yes, more of those please! That's the preferable outcome!" It is entirely possible to be pro-choice and pro-life at the same time, and I imagine most people are, having a belief that abortion should be an available choice for the myriad of reasons that it may be necessary or helpful, but avoided when and where possible. There are all kinds of reasons why a mother would want or need to pursue abortion, and to say that they make the choice without considerable thought and grief is denigrating and dehumanizing. They know full well what they're doing. We lack the societal support structures (omg handouts!!!!!!!) to avoid abortion as an outcome as frequently as "pro-life" people would like. You can't tell women that they can't get an abortion but also not provide paid maternal leave and other assistance programs, especially for underclass women. Not to mention abstinence-only education that frequently leads to unwanted pregnancies in the first place. There are an absurd number of contradictions in that ideology, and if you can reconcile them, you must be extremely talented at mental gymnastics.


Or you could just respect that life is full of hard choices, autonomy is important, and we need to do a better job taking care of our women.

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