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[Finished]Extra Deck - Xyz, Synchros, and Fusions! OH MY!


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  1. Rules - All YCM apply
  2. Create an Extra Deck monster (Xyz, Synchro, Fusion) for an Archetype that doesn't already have one

Theme: Create an Extra Deck monster for an Archetype that does not yet have that kind of monster.

  • This does not mean to create a whole new archetype an example of what I mean is.
  • Gladiator Beast's are known for (contact) fusion but have no Xyz monsters
  • Madolche's are known for Xyz summon but don't have have a way to use Synchro or Fusion summon.

Task: Create preferably 1-2 cards.

  • 1 of these cards should be an Extra Deck monster for any archetype that doesn't have one
  • The 2nd card should be some kind of "support" card for example if your archetype doesn't have any Synchro monster, you will probably need to create a tuner. Same goes for fusion, you will need a spell to fuse your monsters.


Anyone may enter

  • Entries:
  • Dramatic Crossroad



Entry Fee: 10pts (Donations are accepted and welcomed) (I will keep 1% of the pot)


Prize Pool: 200 Pts



  1. 60%
  2. 25%
  3. 10%
  4. 5%'

Judging Criteria 100 Points

  • Spelling/Grammar/OCG: (Check your spelling and such): 25pts
  • Originality (More original the card/effect the more points): 25pts
  • Balanceness (Are the cards too broken/well balanced for regular play): 25pts
  • Theme (Does the cards follow the theme): 25pts

*Once your post your card you're allowed to make minor edits such as to the spelling and small changes to the effect* Other than that all post are final.


Deadline for posting is 07/27/15

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