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[MTG] IRL Derevi EDH


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Cut down on the taplands, and run more basics. 


Around what is the power level in your local meta? What other decks are there?


You mean the refuges? Yeah I can work around Without them


ehrm most of the Decks in my Meta are aggro (Marath, Ezuri, Aurelia) or OTK Oriented (Sharuum, Proshh, Uril)

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Well, in that case, your deck is far too slow all around. Cards like Elesh Norn, Vorinclex, Recurring Insight, and Rite of Replication are extremely powerful, but your deck does not contain enough fuel to reach them in any amount of time.


I recommend dropping a lot of the "cuter" options (if you are unsure what I mean, I can probably chalk up a list of cuts) so that you can run accelerants such as:


Green Sun's Zenith (into Dryad Arbor)

Skyshroud Claim


Nature's Lore


Garruk Wildspeaker


And, of course, since your commander is a bird who dodges commander tax, I recommend Seaside Haven, as it allows for a startlingly efficient late-game draw engine, especially with prophet of kruphix online.

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