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PKMaps - Now, with UNHEARD OF Pokemon D/P Maps!


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Hello, and welcome to PKMaps! Take a look around!




Town Map

Cost: 10 points

Dimensions: 20x24 tiles

Give a general description of what you would like the map to include.


City Map

Cost: 20 points

Dimensions: 40x40 tiles

Give a general description of what you would like the map to include.


Route Map - Long

Cost: 15 points

Dimensions: 60x20 tiles

Give a general description of what you would like the map to include.


Route Map - Wide

Cost: 15 points

Dimensions: 20x60 tiles

Give a general description of what you would like the map to include.


Route Map - Square

Cost: 10 points

Dimensions: 30x30 tiles

Give a general description of what you would like the map to include.


Route Map - Large

Cost: 20 points

Dimensions: 60x60 tiles

Give a general description of what you would like the map to include.


Cave Map - Long

Cost: 20 points

Dimensions: 60x20 tiles

Give a general description of what you would like the map to include.


Cave Map - Wide

Cost: 20 points

Dimensions: 20x60 tiles

Give a general description of what you would like the map to include.


Cave Map - Square

Cost: 15 points

Dimensions: 30x30 tiles

Give a general description of what you would like the map to include.

Cave Map - Large

Cost: 30 points

Dimensions: 60x60 tiles

Give a general description of what you would like the map to include.


PKMaps Gift Cards


Give the name of the user the gift card is for, and the item(s) it entitles them to.

Cost: Total cost of items.


This is what the gift cards look like: 33zcxf8.png

(The GCN is the Gift Card Number. It stops this gift card from being stolen and ripped off.)


We now offer new services!



Have a Pokemon that needs to be traded to evolve? We will trade and then trade back, and voila! New, evolved Pokemon!

Cost: Free! We get our Pokedexes updated!



The Day-Care in-game is absolute crap, unless you're breeding. They add unwanted attacks to your Pokemon, and it is excruciatingly slow. We will take your Pokemon and train it to a set level. You choose what attacks are added. You choose whether we feed it Poffins, up its happiness, everything!

Only two people may have their Pokemon trained at a time, and only one Pokemon per person.

Cost: 5 points per Level


Waiting List







If the waiting list is full, any other orders will be ignored.




I am not accepting any staff, this is a one-person shop. Sorry.

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Cost: 10 points

Dimensions: 20x24 tiles

Like a begining town.



Cost: 20 points

Dimensions: 40x40 tiles

A gym, a mart, and a center make it look deserted


Route Map - Wide

Cost: 15 points

Dimensions: 20x60 tiles

Like some trees and flowers in the middle of each tree and some grass.


Cave Wide

Cost: 30 points

Dimensions: 20x60 tiles

Just a ladder and a couple bolders


75 points and a rep when you're done.. Could you send it by PM?

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@ ocg

I've been extremely busy lately, so you may have to wait a while. But, because it's taking so long, I'll dock 30 points off the purchase price :D


@ icyblue

It all depends. Do you mean one with Gold graphics, or one based on a Pokemon Gold map?

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Guest JoshIcy

@ ocg

I've been extremely busy lately' date=' so you may have to wait a while. But, because it's taking so long, I'll dock 30 points off the purchase price :D


@ icyblue

It all depends. Do you mean [b']one with Gold graphics[/b], or one based on a Pokemon Gold map?


the bolded one.... i need at least an idea lol

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