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To the Stars! [Gym Challenger Deck]


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Blue Thunder T45 x3
Victory Viper XX03 x3

Lord British Space Fighter x3

Jade Knight x3

Falchion (Beta) x3

Cyber Valley x3


Spells and Traps

Supply Squad x3

Machina Armored Unit x2

Seal of Orichalcos x1

Hidden Armory x1

Power Capsule x2

Moon Mirror Shield x3

Gravity Blaster x2

United We Stand x3

Power Frame x3

Call of the Haunted x2



Due to the Gym Challenger limitations, I am unable to run any ED monsters (I can do some interesting Xyz and Synchro techs with this deck), or run limited/semi-limited cards. If I could, Rescue Rabbit would be in there with 3 Vanilla Gradiuses, along with Honest.



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This looks rad! Hmu on DN (Aez D'void) if you wanna see how this stacks up against my Sea Serpent Gym Leader Deck!


Also, why not tech in some Creature Swap for gettin jade knight's eff off in exchange for a potentially powerful monster?

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Sucks that you can't use Repair, despite the fact it merely needs Cyber Dragon in the Graveyard, because otherwise it can search any of your Machines.

You could, like, as an idea, try Mirror Wall over Power Frame. Wall, despite the fact that at most you would use it for a whole 1 turn, would screw over an opponent's entire BP on the off chance you lacked monsters.

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There's quite a nifty little engine using the LIGHT machines and Machina Armored Unit. You have nearly all the components, but would need to throw in a Cyber Dragon or 2, (possibly) UFOroid, and a third Armored Unit. Also, with CyDra, you could throw in Repair Plant for searching!


The engine itself is pretty obvious. Summon CyDra (or Blue Thunder). If it gets run over, you get UFOroid or Jade Knight to add/summon another LIGHT machine. Cyber Valley there so that you never lose value for Armored Unit and can still plus off it.


...then again, things would have to be cut out for this to work smoothly...

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