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Dog  King

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Dog King : Admin

iHop : Author

Klavier G. : Author


Yu-Gi-Pros is a yugioh blog that I made a long time ago but now im trying to revive it.

Currently I have done many updates to make it look better and im planning to do many more in the future.

I will keep on posting in this thread when there are new posts in the blog.


If you would like to take part and have your own content published such as deck profiles or card reviews or if yoy have questions/suggestions then just send me a message!



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I'd be up for writing, though I tend to work on things to death instead of general stuff. Theory is something I do a fair bit, though, so yeah, I'd be willing to contribute.


if you want to do a deck profile just follow the length and how the other deck profiles are

for other stuff just do it whatever way you want just have some sort of intro or something paragraph under which i could put the read more thingy

if you do decide to write something you can send it to me in a pm and ill just edit it with the fonts or sizes etc

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