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Monty Python Cards-Holy Grail (First Card updated)


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These were pretty ok. I just wish you'd have called the cards by thier actual titles. The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog and the Holy Hand Grenade Of Antioch. In addition to a few grammatical errors (and yes I know others could critisize me for the same thing but I'm getting better!) All in all decent. 6/10

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These were pretty ok. I just wish you'd have called the cards by thier actual titles. The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog and the Holy Hand Grenade Of Antioch. In addition to a few grammatical errors (and yes I know others could critisize me for the same thing but I'm getting better!) All in all decent. 6/10


i agree but changing the names are easy

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Thanks for the input. I changed the names to fit them better as I couldn't remember the acutal names since I havn't seen the movie for awhile now. Also changed the wording some to sound better.


I've got to find a better rabbit picture though. I'll look for one later. Also I don't have very good editing software on my computer so bear with the crapy images for now. I think I'll go ahead and make afew more Holy Grale Cards for the fun of it.

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Added a new rabbit picture. Will add a diffrent pic for the other card later on.


also I'll be adding new cards as I'm watching the movie and have a set hopefully in the next few weeks.


he's on the quest for the holy grail of ygo pictures :D


oh maybe you could have the spell: that rabbit's dynamite!!

select one "The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog" on your side of the field. only the selected monster can attack and it attack all monsters on your opponents side of the field


also change the rabbit so the effect reads: "this card is uneffect by any card effect other than "Holy Hand Grenade Of Antioch".


that is much easier to read and understand

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