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Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou/Everyday Life with Monster Girls

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Bad dullahan, giving the rookies spoilers.


Well, now that the cat's out of the bag, that's true.  Also Kii hype continues closing in.

Well, I didn't spoil EVERYTHING.


I'm still very, very curious how they're going to handle this. with 4 "D" chapters, I thought it was a given to include the pool episode, then set up the next two for the most recent episode, but now, we're going to have Wife's episode split...Which frustrates me because I wanted a full episode of just her, especially since she...rarely appears.

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What a friggin' glorious episode. Suu-Zilla (Which is actually new!), Kii's voice (Big and Small versions are both amazing), More Suu in general (Honestly suu is just so fun to have around), More Rachnera, These two chapters already being two very good ones, and just...It totally makes up for the rather mediocre episode last time.

Also, we finally saw Polt.



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It may be the last episode. And what of an OVA? Every fanservice anime has to have at least one.

There will be one more after this.  I don't see an OVA happening since those are typically based on the manga and we've been following it pretty faithfully, but a second season shouldn't be out of the question if this one is nearly as successful as I imagine it's been.

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Heh, at this rate, the season ends right about where I stopped the manga.


So we got to see more of pretty much everybody, including best girl Zombina.  Airride got the D at long last, Zombina got to keep her detachable rack, and we're now one episode from the season finale.  Pretty good episode this week, I'd say.


EDIT: Gift for Airride


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I'm glad people recognize my obvious love for Lala.


This episode gets a Here comes the D!/10


Though I'm very curious what part 2 of next episode will be. I'm guessing the Engels coefficient one, but I feel weird knowing the swim episode (one I know people have been looking forward to) isn't here, and polt only appears in cameos...

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Okay, So Doppel was D? Why?

Doppel was the first D, and as she said, she was trying to get the girls and MC closer so he would marry one of them. This backfired, obviously. Dunno why they added the thing about Smith helping though; it makes the first date episode make absolutely no funking sense, as if that episode didn't already have issues.
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I just finished the most recent episode.


Tbh, I can't believe we're almost done Season 1 already. I'm legit surprised.

To be fair, we're through almost 2/3 the chapters that are out. There's only 36 chapters out now, so It's not unreasonable to say the entire plot might resolve by chapter 48 to make this a very clean cut 2 season anime, especially considering the most recent 12 chapters came out within the last year.

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It might be the difference between animation and still images.


Plus, the anime cut the bathing suit chapter. How could the anime be more lewd?

Well, to be fair, the bathing suit chapter wasn't really lewd at all. Suu wasn't in it, raping people. That or rachnera are 90% of the lewd scenes.

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Now, you can't fairly compare the entirety of the manga to what the anime's been able to adapt so far. Things are always cut when adaptions of books are made.


The number of concerned/questioning faces I make at the anime is much higher than when I read the manga. Like, I'd be way more comfortable reading the manga and having people read it over my shoulder than watch the anime with others in the room.


Though, for the most part it's basically not that bad when Suu or Rachnera aren't involved, regardless.

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Maybe concerned isn't the right word, but if you want to imagine it, I'd raise an eyebrow and purse my lips like if I had a question. Sometimes accompanied by a flat, "Huh." Though that's when the lewd is particularly bad, if it's less extreme more lighthearted I tend to laugh at it, since that comedy and the slapstick is something I really like about the series.

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