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jspamax's Banner Shop! (Closed Until more experienced...)


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OK, here's my specs. If it's too much, that's fine. Just let me know and I'll tone it down a little:

[spoiler=The Specs]

Text: "Heroic Darkness"

Colors: reds, blacks, dark colors (w/e looks good with the renders)

Renders: E-Hero Neos, The Dark Creator (both facing the middle of the banner if possible with the text in between them)



Can't wait to see how it turns out ^_^

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Size: 400 x 180

Border: whatever you feel like doing

render: Saskue Uchiha from Naruto

Font: whatever font you feels looks right

text: Maker Hunter

Background: Very vague, but Can I get it Blue and Black, or Red and Black if you find the alternative pic



can you make the text light and in the corner.?

If possible, can you get a pic of saskue doing fire style jutsu?

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I just got an idea. Since you like cute things I guess you'll enjoy making up sth. cute for me. Actually I've already posted a request for a dark banner in someone else's thread, but I also wanted a less obscure one.

So here are some instructions which will maybe help you:


Renders: ehm... I'll let you choose^.^

Background: white and other "light" colours

Text: "HikariRaven" (try to choose a beautiful writing)

Theme: kawaiiness^.^

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