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[Leaderboard] lightdiversion vs Alpakha

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All Leaderboard rules apply.
First to 3 votes or most votes by July 6th, 11:59PM PDT wins.
All voters must elaborate on their votes.
Both contestants and myself have the right to refuse votes, but must explain why we don't accept it.
Written cards are allowed. (Must be in written format, cards with blank pictures are not acceptable)
Create a 2-mat Rank 2 monster with some sort of offensive capabilities. FIRE, EARTH, and Warrior-Type monsters are off limits.

The winner gets a rep from the loser.
All voters get a rep for voting.

Card A
2 Level 2 monsters.
Cannot be destroyed by battle.Monsters you control gains ATK equal than their Level/Rank x100. Once during either player's turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 face-up monster on the field; Double its Level/Rank, also it is unaffected by other monster's effect whose Level/Rank is equal or lower than its Level/Rank. These changes last for the rest of the turn.

Card B
Gelatinous Void
Aqua/ Xyz/ Effect
2 Level 2 monsters
When this card is summoned, target 1 face-up monster you opponent controls: Equip it to this card and this card gains ATK and DEF equal to it. Once per turn, you can detach an Xyz Material from this card to allow this card to attack directly.
ATK 0/ DEF 0

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Card A kind of works as support for Xyz Monsters. It's a Performapal, but would require extensive Rank manipulation to help make OERD due to the specifics of its mechanics. It's not a bad Rank for PP per se, just not extraordinarily useful. As for generic usage, its Rank seems slightly unwieldy.

Card B has fun themes going for it and being a competent battle phase shenanigan maker.

Good effort on both, but B edges out for me.

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Card A is a Performapal member, but usage-wise in the Deck itself, you need either Tiptoad, Cheermole, Sword Fish and Spike Eagle

Assuming that I've read Black's guide to the Deck properly + tested things on my own, not really ideal for them (they're mostly R4 oriented).


It can still be done, but not ideal.


Elsewhere, it is rather hard to fit into a generic Deck, like Dragon Sage noted above.

There are a few options, but not sure they'd want to play this over the other R2s that exist.


It would help with making Odd-Eyes Rebellion in Performapals, provided that Odd-Eyes wasn't an odd Level/Rank monster; no pun intended.

If they were both Level/Rank 8 (instead of 7), then things would work here with Dark Rebellion.


Protection is nice to an extent, as is the stat boosting, but as mentioned, it's somewhat of a pain to bring out.



Card B essentially acts like an on-summon Relinquished, and allows it to attack directly.

Again, Rank 2 isn't exactly easy to do nowadays (maybe in Ojamas or something), but it is more useful in situations than A is.


Summon this, your opponent loses a monster and this card gets boosted; also allowing you to direct attack twice (if able).




In conclusion, card B gets my vote.

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Card A has some interesting utility to it, it gives a Qliphort esque immunity while having a decent stat and battle immunity. Not bad at all. Sort of a problem that it can dodge 101 and Castel for a turn, but nothing game swinging mostly because it is very passive. I would compare it in Key Beetle in that sense in how it relies on another card to have a decent presence on board, but it has a bit of potential.


Card B seems really unfair. It's basically an Xyz Underground Arachnid, who already is nuts considering equipping is the best form of monster removal and Arachnid itself has already lead to a few OTKs. I find this card would replace Sandayu as the ideal Xyz option with Raccoons (Outside of turn 1 of course), amongst other things that this card can do. It's not game breaking because Rank 2 Decks are not that great right now, but it is quite unfair, and would call it straight up Castel for Rank 2s, who has already generated its own controversy.


Overall, I'll have to go with Card A. While it has quite some potential into it, it feels more niche which is nice. I feel this is a case where the Xyz was given the abilities of a boss monster, in this case Relinquished, and thus it was already set to be unbalanced, hence why, again, my vote is dead set on Card A.

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Card A I don't understand why it is a Performerpal, but it has some decent usage going for it. I imagine it being hilarious with Rank Up Magic cards, and the immunity is just as nice to go with it. On its own it is decent as well since it can't be destroyed by battle. Sort of a better Maestroke in that sense of stalling, without the flipping. Backrow will probably be less relevant coming out of Nekroz and BA, so this card will be a lot better later on. It still has some potential now, however, and I would run it as a tech in a Rank 2 Deck if there becomes a viable one.


Card B is a card gone a bit too far. Nightmare Shark for Rank 2? That's fine. Equipping an opponent's monster at the same time? No thanks. Problem is, you are giving the best form of removal and the effect a boss that takes at least 3 cards to make (Relinquished) and giving it to a Rank 2 that is fairly easily made in multiples and can be accompanied with other plays. That doesn't look like something that would end up pretty at all, and thus I am not exactly sold on this card.


Overall, my target is Card A because it has potential, especially for the future, while not doing too much, especially on its own.

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Meh, let's finish this. I'd like to change my vote, on the grounds that I didn't really catch the Qliphort clause of the first card. While it feels less inspired, I guess the boosting can get the targets quite powerful with dedication.

Card B is borked now that I think about it. It's a free steal and smash into your opponent's Life Points. It's a bit much even as a Rank 2.

Vote changed to A.

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I concur with Sage upon looking over the card once more.

While card A has its share of flaws in terms of usage, it's certainly more balanced and that's what matters (usability is nice, but can't be broken as heck).


Again, P-Pals don't really need it; but power bonus is nice for Decks that can afford an ED space for it.


I'm changing my vote to B after further review [and this should've been what I voted for initially].


So at this point, it's a 4-0 (card B would've won, even if I hadn't changed it).

Looks like Striker won't have to vote now.

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