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[Finished]Zerpant's "I have to make THAT?!" Contest! [Done Judging! Scores are up, feel free to ask and dispute]


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He has to judge the interactions and balance of 85 some cards (17 entries * 5 cards per entry).


I would be concerned if it DIDNT take him a month or so. If he got the grades for that out in 2 weeks he either has no life or rushed the sheet out of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm very sorry for the delay, I'm a very bad procrastinator and have been putting myself on delay with a bad mentality of "1 a day should do it" and then not grading for a week at a time.


I truly am sorry for the large delay, but I swear that I will finish this, and in turn learn from it.


I do hope you all understand that the fault is entirely mine and I am deeply, truly sorry.


I won't give out any definite dates or time periods, but this will be finished.

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We understand that coursework and RL problems is more important than whatever matters go on here.

I do it too [procrastinate] when grading CC Monthly and stuff; really shouldn't, but see above.


Although yeah, just get it done at this point.

85 cards is a lot to grade, and I understand that.



In the future, try to go for smaller requirements; single cards are a good idea.

That way, you'll get them done quicker.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, it's been another two weeks. Just wanted to check how things are going.


I'm almost there! School has, as expected, been pilling on more and more work, but I'm on the last few entries! If school work lets up and I focus, it should (hopefully) be less than a week! Thank y'all for being so patient, btw. I know I haven't been a perfect host, so I really appreciate how well y'all are taking these delays and such.

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I'm almost there! School has, as expected, been pilling on more and more work, but I'm on the last few entries! If school work lets up and I focus, it should (hopefully) be less than a week! Thank y'all for being so patient, btw. I know I haven't been a perfect host, so I really appreciate how well y'all are taking these delays and such.


I can't speak for the others, but I'm "handling" it well because I stopped caring about this contest.

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I can't speak for the others, but I'm "handling" it well because I stopped caring about this contest.

And I'm here busy being butthurt because I missed the cutoff by like a day if I recall xD

I even joined another contest that has had three rounds already. But I agree, 85 cards is pretty hefty, not even throwing back to school into the mix. Just submitting stuff before the deadline is a bit by the skin of my teeth, so I feel for you.

That being said, git goin scrub. I'm still eager to join in on this d;

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm almost there! School has, as expected, been pilling on more and more work, but I'm on the last few entries! If school work lets up and I focus, it should (hopefully) be less than a week! Thank y'all for being so patient, btw. I know I haven't been a perfect host, so I really appreciate how well y'all are taking these delays and such.


For real though, I understand that judging this many cards and how they interact with one another is by no means a short process.  But...it's been two months.  I'd be surprised if anyone's even paying attention to this anymore.  Could you at least give us an estimate of how done you are with the judging after this much time?

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I'll give you another week or so, then it's being auto-ended. 


I don't know what kind of coursework you need to attend to at school, and yeah grading 80+ cards is a pain in the ass, but indeed you do need to get this finished within a reasonable timeframe. 


He seems to have enough time to still log onto YCM and play on DN, so I do not think that he has that high of an amount of school work to attend to.


For real though, if this ends up being auto-ended by Sakura, then, Zerpant, all you ended up doing was wasting the time of all the participants. Had I known this was going to drag on for 2 months, I probably wouldn't even have joined this.

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For real though, I understand that judging this many cards and how they interact with one another is by no means a short process.  But...it's been two months.  I'd be surprised if anyone's even paying attention to this anymore.  Could you at least give us an estimate of how done you are with the judging after this much time?

I'll give you another week or so, then it's being auto-ended. 


I don't know what kind of coursework you need to attend to at school, and yeah grading 80+ cards is a pain in the ass, but indeed you do need to get this finished within a reasonable timeframe. 

He seems to have enough time to still log onto YCM and play on DN, so I do not think that he has that high of an amount of school work to attend to.


For real though, if this ends up being auto-ended by Sakura, then, Zerpant, all you ended up doing was wasting the time of all the participants. Had I known this was going to drag on for 2 months, I probably wouldn't even have joined this.


I'm actually almost done  (1&1/2-ish entries left) and yeah sorry about the super duper long wait I'm a really really really bad procrastinator, which combined with schoolwork is a *fart noise*. 


Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement. I know this is a pain for all involved, and for those who wished to be involved, and when (if?) I make a second round I will make some major improvements both to myself and the requirements. 

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Welp, that took a sh!t-ton longer than I expected it to. 


But I got it done!

The current winners are Progenitor in 1st, Gadjiltron in 2nd, and Neo New Faytality in 3rd.


Here are the scores by the numbers. If you want my reasoning behind them, feel free to as and I will PM it to you~ Also, if you feel that you were scored unfairly, feel free to talk to me about it. 


[spoiler=Scores Galore...s]

[spoiler=Zerpant Grading]

  • Balance: X/50 (Balance is an important part of any card. Keep this in mind when making your cards!)
  • Flavor: X/40 (Is there a clear, interesting connection between the cards? I like stories if you can incorporate them, but don't make more than a paragraph if you do make a story.)
  • OCG: X/10 (Can I understand what the heck the card is saying? PSCT is preferred, but I can make do with the older version as well)




Balance: 42/50

Flavor: 36/40

OCG: 9/10

Total: 87/100




Balance: 28/50

Flavor: 38/40

OCG: 9/10

Total: 75/100



[spoiler=James Muddy]

Balance: 40/50

Flavor: 20/40

OCG: 10/10

Total: 70/100




Balance: 45/50

Flavor: 38/40

OCG: 10/10

Total: 93/100




Balance: 36/50

Flavor: 40/40

OCG: 10/10

Total: 86/100



[spoiler=Forest Fire]


Flavor: 30/40

OCG: 9/10

Total: 80/100




Balance: 36/50

Flavor: 37/40

OCG: 9/10

Total: 82/100




Balance: 37/50

Flavor: 34/40

OCG: 10/10





Balance: 46/50

Flavor: 33/40

OCG: 9/10

Total: 88/100



[spoiler=Xander Royce]

Balance: 34/50

Flavor: 26/40

OCG: 9/10

Total: 69/100




Balance: 39/50

Flavor: 40/40

OCG: 8.5/10

Total: 87.5/100




Balance: 39/50

Flavor: 36/40

OCG: 10/10

Total: 85/100




Balance: 18/50

Flavor: 36/40

OCG: 8/10

Total: 62/100



[spoiler=Neo New Faytality]

Balance: 39/50

Flavor: 39.5/40

OCG: 10/10

Total: 88.5




Balance: 44/50

Flavor: 40/40

OCG: 10/10

Total: 94/100




Balance: 33/50

Flavor: 26/40

OCG: 7.5/10

Total: 66.5






If anyone has any disputes, I would appreciate it if they were made and resolved within the week.


Thank you for all who stuck with me through this trainwreck.

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Alright seriously what the hell I'm not even in this contest and I'm pretty pissed off to see just 4 numbers per person and not a single actual comment pertaining to any entry after like 2 months of supposed judging. And also posting them totally unordered not even saying who won. Like really.

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Alright seriously what the hell I'm not even in this contest and I'm pretty pissed off to see just 4 numbers per person and not a single actual comment pertaining to any entry after like 2 months of supposed judging. And also posting them totally unordered not even saying who won. Like really.

May want to check again there. And I did say if peeps want reasons they can ask, because I made like 6 pages of comments and I don't think putting that in here would be good, ya' know? and I also corrected myself on the winners thing. 

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Alright seriously what the hell I'm not even in this contest and I'm pretty pissed off to see just 4 numbers per person and not a single actual comment pertaining to any entry after like 2 months of supposed judging. And also posting them totally unordered not even saying who won. Like really.


I believe he typed his notes somewhere else for when people ask about the scores, assuming that from how he started his post.

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May as well have just included them alongside the scores, don't see why to wait for people to ask to tell them something already prepared and which presumably had a sizable time investment.

Honestly though, I kinda made the comments for myself <*^_^. Plain numbers don't mesh well with me (and I'm sure others feel the same), so it was more or less how I graded the cards.


I stand by what I'm saying. If you want an explanation (which is totally fine), just ask and you shall recieve. 

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In all seriousness though I would like to know specifically just points on balance.  i remember thinking about the cards after the deadline and changing a couple things for just that in my head, but I can't for the life of me remember what.

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In all seriousness though I would like to know specifically just points on balance.  i remember thinking about the cards after the deadline and changing a couple things for just that in my head, but I can't for the life of me remember what.



Anyone else?

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