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Birthdays on Holidays


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What a weirdly specific topic. Still, surprisingly relevant for me. Mine's December 25th, which, as everyone knows, is Easter.


I actually don't mind it. It's quite fun actually, the dual festivities. Double up those birthday and Christmas gifts on one day.


Edit: Goddamnit, ninja'd to my own birthday.

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My birthday's January 1st so it's fun to say that everyone stays up till midnight to shoot off fireworks for the fist few minutes of my birthday instead of the new year.


It's also a week exactly after Christmas so whatever I wanted that doesn't show up for Christmas has often showed up then. It's not bad, makes the day super easy to remember, gives us something to do on New Years Day proper instead of the night before where the party is usually. Rest of the year is quite present-less though so that is a thing.

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My birthday is October 13th so even several years it falls on Columbus Day. Also, NYCC is often right around that time and as a New Yorker its a pretty nice way to spend a birthday.

Whoa, you're birthday is one day before mine :o


My birthday (obviously) isn't on a holiday, but my sisters' is just a couple days after Christmas, so we just like party really hard for a week at the end of the year.

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I have a friend of mine who's birthday is September 11th, not TECHNICALLY a holiday but still, could you imagine trying to enjoy your birthday when the twin towers went down? AND my nephew's is on Veterans Day

My grandpa's birthday is on 9/11 too. 


What a weirdly specific topic. Still, surprisingly relevant for me. Mine's December 25th, which, as everyone knows, is Easter.


I actually don't mind it. It's quite fun actually, the dual festivities. Double up those birthday and Christmas gifts on one day.


Edit: Goddamnit, ninja'd to my own birthday.

And my brother's birthday is on Christmas too. And mine is 3 days before. 

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my sister's birthday is May 10th, which is Mother's Day. at least it was this year. i forget if Mother's Day is always the 10th or what...

It often aligns with it every odd year or so.

I have the same birthday, although in 1993, May 10 was the day after Mother's Day, so I'd just missed it.


I knew a kid in high school whose birthday was April 1, but he wasn't especially a goofball or anything.

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