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Crystal Beast Deck in dire need of suggestions.

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Like the title says, this is not a finished deck, I'm posting here for suggestions as I only have the basic "skeleton", so to say.


I think my only limitations regarding big cards are:

- I have no Mirror Forces;

- No Bottomless Trap Holes.


Limitations regarding the Crystal Beasts:

- No Rare Value (:/)

- No Crystal Counters;

- Only 1 Crystal Release.


I also only have 1 Hamon and 1 Rainbow Dragon, but I'm not sure if those are really a problem as Rainy is pretty unplayable in my eyes and more than 1 Hamon sounds like too-much dead drawing. Again, I could be wrong.




Monsters: 17

3x Sapphire Pegasus

3x Amber Mammoth

2x Topaz Tiger

2x Amethyst Cat

2x Ruby Carbuncle

2x Cyber Dragon

1x Marshmallon

1x Raiza

1x Hamon


Spells: 19

3x Rainbow Ruins

3x Crystal Abundance

3x Crystal Blessing

3x Crystal Beacon

2x Foolish Burial

1x Smashing Ground

1x Crystal Tree

1x Crystal Release

1x Monster Reborn

1x Premature Burial


Traps: 4

2x Sakuretsu

1x Crystal Raigeki

1x Torrential Tribute


I have never tested this, as I'd like to hear your opinions first, but please bear in mind that I really can't afford the cards I'm missing, as they only come in boosters/ ebay.


Thanks for reading. ;)

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Wow, such valuable advice so far. :P

And no, I'm not really interested in running the Rainbow Dragon I have unless somebody shows me that it's actually the best way to use a Crystal Beast deck. Until then, I'll keep it out.


Magna Slash Dragon sucks, in my opinion, and while Gravi can actually do some damage, I prefer Raiza.

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Don't run Amethyst Cat unless you also run Rescue Cat. If you run a couple of Rescue Cat, you can max Amethyst Cat.


Max Topaz Tiger before maxing Amber Mammoth.


Max Larvae Moth before adding a single Hamon.


Raiza seems really random here, and isn't very good in this format. Plus, Tribute Summons don't fill your s/t zone.


Crystal Raigeki sucks.


Sakuretsu Armour sucks.


The problem with Crystal Tree is that it's Continuous, so it's somewhat situational.


I'm not seeing the point of the Foolish Burials.


Also, get 3 Rare Value. Do it.

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The Burials were to be used with Blessing, but I'll take them out.

So, drop Hamon, Raigeki, the Burials, Raiza, a Mammoth and the Sakus.

Add Rescue Cats, an Amethyst, a Topaz, then drop 1500$+ to add the Rare Values.


Should I leave a Crystal Tree or none at all? Oh, and any chance you could post your definition (aka deck list) of a playable CB deck? Sorry if it's asking too much, and thanks for the tips. ;)

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ok yhea listen to crab helmet ONLY O_O


but on a side note there is this guy at my locals who runs straight cb deck


with 3 YES THREE rainbow dragons


and the deck works SOMEHOW


its insanly amazing


sigh he summoned 2 rainbow dragons on my ass


how it was possible i dunno but it was right larf

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Rainbow Dragon sucks; TC was correct in that. However, Hamon sucks as well. In fact, Hamon goes against the goal of a Gem Beast deck, and is a -3 to boot.


Get Rare Value somehow. Running Gem Beasts without Rare Value is like running DDT without Allure of Darkness, Trade-In, and Destiny Draw.

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