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[Hearthstone] Secret Mage

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I can't screenshot the stupid thing because Imgur is being a jabroni, so here. Written decklist. 


2 Frostbolt

2 Loot Hoarder

2 Mad Scientist

2 Arcane Intellect

1 Counterspell

2 Ice Block

1 Mirror Entity

2 Vaporize

2 Kirin Tor Mage

2 Fireball

1 Polymorph

2 Ethereal Arcanist

2 Antique Healbot

2 Azure Drake

Emperor Thaurissan

1 Flamestrike

Archmage Antonidas

Dr. Boom

Ragnaros the Firelord



So...this deck has an overall W/L rate of 23 wins, 5 losses. For a deck that was supposed to just be a big pile of jank that backfires in my face after 3 games, causing me to give up and return to a meta deck, this sumjabroni has done QUITE well. 


The deck is much more of a midrange/control style deck, and wants to maybe get in some early hits with Kirin Tor Mage and Ethereal Arcanist before moving on to the big guns like Antonidas, Boom, and Ragnaros. It uses Counterspell and x2 Vaporize to grant some early game control, with Ice Blocks and Antique Healbots coming in very handy in the aggro matchup. Thankfully I haven't seen TOO much aggro lately, so I haven't felt the need for Deathlord or Zombie Chow, or any other similar card that'd clog the deck up. 


The deck's real strength is in it's ability to filter out the cards you don't want for the cards you do. Loot Hoarder, Mad Scientist, Arcane Intellect, and Azure Drake all help cycle through the deck to find exactly what you need. Admittedly, Loots and MadScis are sad to draw late game, but it happens. 


Matchup wise, the deck has a fair shot vs just about anything except Priest. 4 of my 5 losses are to Priests, with the 5th being a REALLY aggressive Paladin that killed me before I could filter out a Healbot or an Ice Block. 


The Warrior matchup is probably the closest, as I've won most of my games against them due to winning Rag Roulette, or topdecking the perfect burn spell. Because of their armor, it makes them much harder to actually kill in the end. 


Easiest matchups for me has been against decks like Mech Mage, Oil Rogue, Shaman, and the more midrange Hunter decks. It really, really hurts combo decks when they blow everything just to pop an Ice Block, and aggro decks don't like dealing with Arcanist, Loots, MadScis, and Kirin Tor. Mirror Entity becomes a bit of a dead card in those aggro matchups, but it's still highly useful in the midrange and control matchups as a one of. 


My wishlist for this deck is Pyroblast, Alex, Ysera, and Sylvannas. 


Any suggestions, critiques, or ideas for the deck are appreciated. 

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