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Rate/Advise on my deck


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ok, here is my deck, any advise on cards to put in/get rid of? plz rate as well :D



Chaos Emperor Dragon


Armed Dragon LV3 x3

Armed Dragon LV5 x2

Armed Dragon LV7

Masked Dragon x2

La Jinn x2

Lord of D.

Vorse Raider

Kaiser Sea Horse

Skilled Dark Magician

Dark Magician

Koumori Dragon

Gene-Warped Warwolf

Luster Dragon

Giant Orc


Ritual Monsters:

Paladin of White Dragon x2



White Dragon Ritual x2

Different Dimension Capsule x2

Fusion Gate


Pot of Greed

Spell Absorption

Monster Reborn

Brain Control



Sakuretsu Armour x3

Jar of Greed x2

Dust Tornado x2


Negate Attack

Wall of Revealing Light

Magic Cylinder

Torrential Tribute


Fusion Monsters:



and if ur gonna diss me or my deck making skills, go post on another thread cuz i don't care, i only want advice for this deck

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Random Vanilla is bad in Advanced and even worse in Traditional.


Ritual Spells other than ARA are bad everywhere, especially if you're already running Vanilla.


You're missing a lot of Traditional staples, such as Graceful Charity, and have a lot of bad cards instead, such as Magic Cylinder.


What on earth is the point of Jar of Greed in a deck with more than 40 cards?


Polymerization sucks. Fusion Gate sucks outside of Chain Gate OTK. Use Dragon's Mirror for Dragon Fusions. Also, add F.G.D. to the Fusion deck.


Also, BEWD decks are not Dragon decks, and Armed Dragon decks are something else entirely. Don't mix themes.

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