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[MtG] [ORI] Daily Spoilers 29/06


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Molten Vortex is a somewhat better, maybe, seismic assault. Might want it in that decklist.

See, I'm not a 100% sure. Like, needing R makes it a lot slower. Though adding 4 more copies of the card to decks that want it seems quite good.


Anyway, I love the flavor text on the googles. Really hope it actually happens and wizards isn't just teasing us.


Spy Network is really cute. Might put a copy in Sharuum EDH.

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See, I'm not a 100% sure. Like, needing R makes it a lot slower. Though adding 4 more copies of the card to decks that want it seems quite good.

I agree with that. I am not sure either. I feel like they would want Life from the Loam in multiples more than Seismic Assault. Never played the deck, against it, or anything like that. I have only seen it be played in one video instance, which is literally where I am basing all of my information on.

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It's not better than Seismic Assault in the Swans deck, I'd bargain. The mana you need is just too steep to be able to get them from 20 to 0 in a turn.


It is however better in formats such as Cube, Standard (if such a deck comes about), etc. When the combo is less important, and general card quality is, the sheer cheapness of the card is great.

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It's a good win condition for grindy loam decks. I might try this in loam pox over flame jab.

I think Jab would be better. Having cards that are still good even if you mill them with Loam or Commune seems really important imo. I also realized, that this, like Seismic Assault, aren't cards you want to draw multiple of so having more isn't really a good thing here.

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